How interesting cell phone apps controlling your robots

cell phone apps controlling your robots

You may have a robot pet in your house for helping out in your daily activities. And you must be concerned about its controlling attributes. You can control your robot pet just by having a good knowledge on the cell phone applications. These applications are specially designed to serve you with the controlling of your robots as perfect as you are expecting.

cell phone apps controlling your robots

What is It

You can use various kinds of cell phone applications for the concerned matter. It can be anything like a Bluetooth, any android operating system software, a touch screen iPad or iPod, or any other of the similar type. While these applications generally come off along with the robots, you can also go for customizing according to the kind of robot you already have. The most common devices known so far are the touch screen iPods and the iPhones. Any kind of movement of the robots can be well adjusted by these applications. In order to be more specific, the iLabArm app and the iLabBot app are the most useful ones.

How does it Work

A pinch on the screen of the iPod device of the user will activate the arm like movements of the robot. The iLabArm application also helps in other manipulations of the robot. On the other hand, the iLabBot application has got the directional buttons for the user interface. It can also be tilted for controlling your robot. The graphical user interfaces are really very easy. And anyone can have a quick view on the user manual and adopt them in no time. Being easy does not make things less interesting as there are numerous options for games and other kinds of entertainments as well.


Accuracy and consistency are the two main terms you may come up with after having the experience of controlling your robot by the cell phone applications. The advanced technologies used do not contain any defects and slowing down for frequent usage. Rather, the applications will provide your robot with the movements as realistic as you can ask for.

Other Apps

The robots can also be designed in respect to the remote controls of the cell phone apps. These robots are usually controlled with the Bluetooth application of the cell phones. However, various systematic codes and signals are sent from the cell phones to the brain or the operating system of the robot and any kind of movement can be possible. From a critical point of view, the Bluetooth applications make things easier as far as this circumstance is concerned.


Having a robot and controlling it with the cell phone apps are really enjoyable. The highly researched and developed applications are good enough to withstand any temperature or environment. No time is needed to waste for any special care of the remote controls. In the same way, the applications are supportive to the feature of low cost maintenance. Science and technology are known to do wonders for today’s society. And the invention of making the autonomous movements of the robots possible by the cell phone apps is one of the kinds of its landmarks.

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