Samsung Galaxy Note II – Every pop culture lover’s euphoria


Everyone in the market is already saying it. We don’t want to be naysayers by being modest so we will say it as well.

Yes, the Note II is every bit as good as the iPhone. In some cases, it is even better. If a new phone is what you are looking for, then you should buy a nice piggy bank and label it MONEY FOR NOTE II. The phone not only does things that were actually considered impossible in a phone, it makes them better and helps these features soar into the virtual skies.

Samsung Galaxy Note II

An important aspect of the Note II’s features can be priceless to today’s art lovers. Be it typical movie lovers or portrait gapers or even Beethoven obsession you are dealing with, Note II is right here to help you get lost in the world you love.

Here are a few features and factors that make Note II the right phone for today’s pop culture enthusiasts:

1) The screen – 5.5 inches. Yes. 5.5 inches (diagonally) are the screen size of the Note II! This means that the phone is just your TV, your regular tablet, all your paperbacks, your computer and your DVD player all rolled into one beautifully. The adjustable backlight of the screen along with the many customization options makes it perfect for reading books and watching movies. With online TV also gaining popularity, the phone’s screen would be perfect to get all the ‘magic-box’ time you need in a day.

2) The power of touch – With the amazing touch functionality of the phone, things have never been easier. The Note II offers some wonderful features but browsing through them is anything but difficult. With its feather-touch capability, one can jump through hundreds of document screens or flip through various sheets on the phone within seconds. The beautiful stylus pierced into the phone only makes everything much much better. Not that one would need it, considering a finger on the phone is just as good.

3) Charging through the air – Some Note IIs now even have the advanced features of getting charged wirelessly. Be it optional pins provided at the back or charging via the computer or laptop, the phone certainly makes compactness much easier by saving everyone from the trouble of carrying the charger around. The phone, already being praised for its wonderful battery life has certainly stood its ground with the wireless charging function.

4) The Sound of Note – Note II has just about the best music and sound technology, next only to maybe the Apple products. The phone’s high volume features coupled with the in-built equalizers and the wondrous flow of music make it ideal for movie watching or music play or even funny app noises.

5) All in all – Note II has been hailed by many critics as “the best phone Samsung has ever produced”. This could only mean good news for all those prospective buyers.

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