Why we choose SMARTPHONES?


In this day and age the smartphone is dominating the markets. Once upon a time, you had to make your calls, listen to music, play games and watch videos on completely separate mediums. Nowadays we can get all of these qualities in one place. It’s unthinkable to even consider walking out of the house without a smartphone.


Many haven’t jumped on the bandwagon and acquired their own smartphone yet. Either because they’re happy with the phone they have, or they’re not interested in new technology or the latest trends. A smartphone is one purchase you wouldn’t regret buying from your local provider though. Even if you like your gadgets to remain simple.

Web access

The most attractive feature is the use of internet. With wifi everywhere nowadays, you’re one swipe of the finger away from finding out all the information you need: the train times, bank balance, fact checking etc. Smartphone web browsers are far superior to the web access we used to get on phones, and thanks to the enlarged screens, it’s like having a tiny PC in your pocket.


Emails started going out of fashion, when it became clear texting was the most direct way to get in contact with your friends, colleagues and family. It’s made a comeback now you can have your email accounts linked to your phone. Email is less restrictive than texts. There’s no word limit, for example.


Who needs an MP3 player, when you have a smartphone you can add and download music and videos onto? You don’t need special headphones any more, and phones can store up to 16 GB of data. That’s larger than most of our music libraries three times over.


Are you lost? No worries, because the GPS in a smartphone will let you know where you are, and direct you to your chosen destination in no time at all. It will also tell you how far away you are, and how long it should take you to get there; on foot or by car.

There doesn’t seem to be a limit to the progression of the smartphone. Before long, it’s going to be difficult to remember how we lived without them.

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