Work Your Business Around The Clock With These Must-Have Pieces Of Technology


Running a business in 2016 can be quite the challenge. The business arena is constantly changing and evolving, and companies operate in a very different manner to how they did thirty or forty years ago. One of the starkest ways in which they have changed is through the rise of technology. It wasn’t that long ago that the most technological a business got was through having a couple of phones in the office and a typewriter. These days, however, things couldn’t be more different.

Technology enables businesses to work around the clock, meaning that in essence, business never sleeps. This can create quite a competitive market, with businesses staying open all hours (online) in order to access as much trade as possible. If your business isn’t currently doing this, you could end up falling behind in the market. Here are a few great pieces of technology you should invest in, in order to keep your business accessible whenever and wherever you are.


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A cutting-edge smartphone

If there’s one piece of technology that allows us to be connected to the world at all times, it’s the smartphone. Texts and calls these days are just the basics – now it’s all about social media, FaceTime and a web and email browser. There isn’t really much you can’t do from your smartphone. That’s why it’s so important that you have one that is advanced enough to meet the needs of both yourself and your business. This might mean fast 4G, lots of storage and a big enough screen, among many other things. You may also choose to have one phone for work and another for your personal life, just so the two don’t intertwine too much.


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Battery saving technology

Of course, there is little point in having one of these cutting-edge smartphones if they are only going to last you a couple of hours after you leave the house. There is nothing more frustrating that watching your battery life plummet right when you really need it. Unfortunately, turning your brightness down and using battery saving mode can only do so much. Additionally, you may always take your charger out with you, but there’s no guarantee that you will find somewhere to plug it in. That is why it may be worth downloading an app such as Chargeapp, where you can charge your phone wirelessly at various hotspots.


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Portable laptops

Despite smartphones being amazing little pieces of kit, there are some occasions where you need something a little more advanced. Perhaps you have a really important spreadsheet to fill in, or maybe you have a document to write that you just can’t do on your phone screen. Lightweight laptops (such as the Chromebook or the MacBook) have revolutionized the computer industry and solved this problem single-handedly. No one wants to lug about a heavy laptop from meeting to meeting, but equally no one wants to have to rely on just their phones or an internet cafe to get stuff done. Light, paper thin laptops allow you larger screen dimensions without weighing you down – meaning you can operate on the go.


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