5 Free Docks for Windows 7


Docks are helpful in making desktop and programs more easily accessible and making it look cleaner and arranged. In this article five Window 7 docks are discussed that prove to be reliable for its environment. Although the docks are still under development and offers are cleaner and organized layout for the user. The programs can be easily configured and accessed. These docks offers a free trial version and some have additional features that can be accessed after paying for it. Regardless of the version, which ever the user opts for, and the objective of docks it to provide extended functionality.

free Docks for Windows 7

1.      ObjectDock

It offers rich features that none of the others have. It offers a free version and a paid one. The features that are offered includes automatic import of quick launch, special effects for the programs and desktop, applets, auto hide feature, live animation and edge positioning. The paid version that costs $19.95 provides better arrangement, application switching and dock tabs among other additional features.

2.      XWindows Dock

The ‘XWindows Dock’ is a straightforward dock that offers fewer effects and has relatively simpler features. This offers features like dragging the icons on desktop and the application or program launches at once. This dock is still under development phase and the features like plug-in are not completed yet. The strength of this dock is the Gmail mail checker and the instant and easy navigation through the folders.

3.      SliderDock

It is the unique in the dock apps in that it’s 3D ring dock than a static dock that is located at the bottom or top of the desktop. The user can add the icons to the slider dock and then scroll it with the help of mouse t find the icon that is to be launched. It is customizable and easily accessible. Using Slider Dock can be a better option of the desktop ios cleaner and the user just have this else the icons in the slider will merge with the ones on desktop and won’t give a cleaner look.

4.      RocketDock

This dock like all others is highly customizable and easily understandable. The user can change the skin of this dock. It provides user with smooth animation, alpha blending, window previews, positioning, layering and drop down options, taskbar support and minimization of icons. It is free of cost and have additional add on as its features.

5.      Nexus

This dock resembles and behaves like MAC OS dock. Its features are like it. There are two versions: Free and Ultimate. The Ultimate edition that costs $24.95 is worth buying. It is further divided into docks, sub docks and interface features. It offers more customization than a standard Window 7 interface can offer. Both the Free and the Ultimate versions are the only docks to also include system tray support and multiple mouse-over effects. Among all the docks discussed, Nexus is the most powerful that offers wide variety of features and plug-in.

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