Curate Social Media Content for Marketing

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Social Media Exploring content marketing for its potential alongside your traditional marketing/advertising could prove beneficial for your business while not impacting your marketing budgets so much. Since online tech platforms like social media networking sites do not really require immediate cash outlay on your part, you could begin experimenting without worrying about cost. All it requires is that you pour in enough time and attention to the kind of stuff you post online so that potential customers could initiate the engagement with your and your brands.

When people pay particular attention to online content, it becomes easier for companies to forward retail suggestive content via traditional advertising. Marketing tools like retail telecom then become easily accessible to customers out of the exposure you get. That could enable the VoIP PBX you have to truly achieve its purpose.

Whatever post you make on Facebook, tweet on Twitter, reblog on Tumblr, hashtag on Instagram and any other social media engagement you make, must also go through mindful consideration of ideas that could become ongoing themes in your threads. Content that trends well on social media are those that are usually found to be interesting by users owing to the themes they evoke. So whatever you do on social media — evoke along an amusing theme.

My Donut enter zone

A clearer idea of how you could generate interest by making content revolves around a particular idea or theme across various social media sites could be exemplified in the process discussed below. In this case, we have a fictional My Donut product being promoted over social media via various ways applicable to various networks. Observe how each social media engagement varies depending on the networks’ varying ways of forwarding content to users, and how each engagement expects to generate informative response from users/potential consumers.

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Typical Facebook account status post says “Soft and sweet” and comes with a shot of My Donut sitting on a plate minutes before being devoured by supposed FB account user. Foodie shots have become staple among many Facebook postings alongside pictures of cats and dogs. The typical Facebook user sees posts like this from time to time to perhaps suggest the idea of snacks or snacktime. This isn’t direct selling though so no one is obliged to go out for some donuts — yet!


A microblog like this needs one amusing one-liner: “You can have one as sweet as the one I’m having!” Twitter is made out of users responding to other people’s tweets. The more you provoke some kind of repartee from other people, the better it gets. The better you get at snapping back with even bigger wit, sweetens the engagement all the more and could even get people to hit them as favorites.


Here’s where you go big on the picture when you post the best shot you have of My Donut. Hashtag as much as you can with samplers like #sweet, #soft, #donut, #donuts and the like. Use specific video-filter to get the most out of the 15-second video that Instagram now allows. The more creative you get with filters, the more professional Instagram images look like. Users tend to share content that looks polished and with it.


Marketing collateral like a graphic design layout with the best pictorial qualities ever could make My Donut standout on Pinterest boards. People in this social media network tend to follow great graphic design works here.


Of course, food shots figure so much on Tumblr to make it a fave among many foodies. Posting a photo of your most luscious looking donut could really make it a shareable treat for users who have the habit of reblogging content they like. When they do so, you reach out to more users and win.

Again, social media isn’t direct selling and neither does it function the same way as online advertising. Social media engagement is meant to generate interaction among prospective consumers. Whatever your expectations are about this, make sure you never confuse it with actual retail or advertising. You could however, measure response and analyze where markets are situated and how they see things. These are good points to consider when strategizing for tactical activities you will be engaging in next.

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