Future of Engagement: What is Microsoft So.cl?


Microsoft launched So.cl, a social research tool. It was only available to students until recently. It’s a slick layout that looks like it takes some of the best aspects from Google+ and Pinterest, with a curious nod to MySpace. Users can sign in using Facebook, so it is not an immediate competitor, but more of an integration option.

Microsoft So.cl

Users can search by topics or trends, start or follow conversations about them, and plenty of other options. Twitter is buzzing with questions: Will So.cl survive social media world? Why do people change social networks? As social and search continue to converge, brands and SME’s will need to take new tools that combine social and search into account when planning marketing.

In this episode of Future of Engagement, Murray looks at the So.cl network’s soft launch, what social media commenters think, and digs further into what this all means for your brand.

A look at the graph above shows the success of Microsoft’s successful silent launch of So.cl with conversation virtually non-existant prior to today. The graph was provided by Alerti social media monitoring tool. Alerti is a great tool for bloggers since it lets them see what people are saying on social media. Bloggers can use it to find out what to write about, learn what topic is hot, and more!

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