Google Chrome OS – New dimension to computing model


Hard-drive less desktops, managed by a remote server – It could be the future of computing system. The prediction was made by Oracle CEO Larry Ellison around 20 years ago. “Thin Client” was the concept.  Sun Microsystems now owned by Oracle attempted to adopt thin client, but failed.

For Google, it was another milestone to achieve. They surveyed 400 businesses of all sizes and found 75% of them could migrate to web-based OS.

Google Chrome OS

Google battles Microsoft:

Google has been battling with Microsoft in most of the business segments. Now it is the turn with Windows. Google sees an inefficient and costly computing system against Windows, Macs and other OS. There were several early attempts by Google, but in vain. Moreover, more than 50% of computing system still runs on windows XP – the 10 years old OS.

However, there is a serious problem. If PC gets damaged the data stored on it may go forever. Hard-drive crash is no more a news today.

So, the challenge is to confront Microsoft OS model and people’s misconceptions.

Google is back with bang:

Google is likely to come out with a solution called GOOG Fortune 500. This is Chrome OS, a web-based OS that is set to for release on 15th June this year.

The benefits Google co-founder Sergey bin anticipates are:

1. Computers running on Chrome store user’s information in the cloud. Contrary to desktop software model, it is controlled by Google remote servers. So, users can use Gmail, Google docs or office 365 that exists online only.

2. One can run Microsoft cloud office software on a Google Chrome device.

3. IT department can also benefit from it. Now there is no need of intricate administrative software. A web page can allow tech staff all Chrome OS PCs. The OS automatically updates with latest versions, so no need to spend a fortune to deploy new software versions.

4. Company of any size can deploy Chrome OS. In fact, Google itself is planning to switch over its current OS.

Virtualization is the future

It is agreed that people now are more accustomed to running most web based applications in browser. So Chrome OS would only add to their performance. Google is partnered with Citrix (The virtualization Giant) to enable Chrome OS computers to run windows application hosted in the cloud.

What Google gifts you?

This time Google’s attempts are noteworthy. Unlike last time Google is offering OS and computer both as a single package. Company users can rent “Chromebook” (a type of netbook) from Google for $28 a month. Support is all inclusive with the cost. However, for Government offices and schools that package cost would remain $20 a month.

So, Google can change the computing model, people used to see till now. The only inhibitions are world’s largest software maker Microsoft, stubborn IT departments and a large history of Windows OS.

It is good to see that Google can challenge anybody.

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