Google plus popularity: Not a big deal for sure


Today everybody is eyeing on how Google+ performs against the rival Facebook. No matter it is an old story wrapped in a pack, the thrill never ends. Everyone is keen to know whether plus has gained quick market share compared to Facebook, Twitter or MySpace, or not. If it is then why and how?

Google Plus

Well, the comparison is worth discussing more.

A quick comparison:

For Google plus it took only a month to reach out to more than 25 million users. So, one month birthday was really special for Google’s new social networking platform.

In comparison, Facebook took around 35 months to get that benchmark. For Twitter, it was more than 30 months and MySpace took around 20 months to score the mark. Although FB is the market leader today, Google+ is on it toe to explode the domain.

Is the growth extra-ordinary?

Many think it is. One should remember that Google+ is still in field trial phase and users can only join by invitation. Yet the number is super-awesome.

 Does it look surprising?  Of course, it is not. Plus has got Google behind it. And, the visitor number is a combination of actual users and inquisitive looks.

 Every one out of three email account holders have got at least one Gmail id. It means anybody who has an existing email account with Google can easily access to Google plus system. The process gets easier for a Google user. Well, not to forget, how brand value of Google and its trustworthiness have provided immense support to G+.

 It shows plus didn’t have to start from scratch. There was already a ground work done by Google. G Plus has just extended the user activities.

Which countries get maximum G+?

To start with US, the leading country houses more than 6,440,000 Google+ visitors. They are all using home and work computers, not mobile devices. India comes second with more than 3,600,000 Google+ users. Both UK and Canada got 1 million visitors.

Well, the way G+ is increasing its base; it is never a big surprise. They have got enough resources and name Google attached to it.

Rather, we should give full credit to FB which did not get any support from players like Google. It is all their own effort that made them popular even today.

So, what does your consciousness say? Will FB, the pioneer lose its winning temperament? Or, we will see the revival of it very soon?

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