Google’s New Privacy Policy: For User’s Interest


You must have remembered how a pop-up message on Google’s Privacy policy used to appear even before a week whenever you opened Gmail, Google analytics, or any Google properties.

Yes, there was a text message saying Google’s new privacy policy is about to take an effect.

 Google Privacy Policy

Quick questions over to you:

  • Did you read it full or you have just ignored like any unimportant messages appearing on your system?
  • Have you understood what Google intended to say to its users?
  • What was the message and how it is going to benefit everyone, if it is so?
  • Was that anything special that could change your existing Google experience and control?
  • Is Google’s new privacy policy safe and simple as it was earlier?
  • Is it something that comes under Google’s promotional policies? What is it?

Well if you could not afford to read those alerts here is the gist of it. Now why I am saying this today is because you won’t see the message anymore. Google’s updated privacy policy has taken an effect on 1st of March as declared earlier.

So what this new policy signifies to your world of Google. Here are a few points in brief.

Privacy policy is now much easier to understand

Over 60 product-specific notices have been included in Google’s main privacy policy. So you don’t have to be your search engine. The privacy policy clearly states what data Google is collecting and how they may use it – all in plain language.

Accessibility of personal information is more defined and restricted

As far as the privacy policy is concerned Google have always tried to combine information from different Google products for a particular user account. This is for seamless data integration.  However Google restricted itself to combine user’s You Tube and search histories with other information. With new policy this changes too.

Now if you do frequent searches on Rand Fishkin, next time when you are on Youtube for SEO tips, you would be presented with Rand’s You Tube videos.

The new policy is not changing any existing privacy control and settings

So just relax. Google is not collecting any new information about you which you think is sensitive . Like ever before Google never sells your personal data. You have the same industry-leading information security.

You can use search, maps and You Tube without sign in to your Google account. If you wish you can also separate your personal information in different accounts. This proves Google does not combine your personal information unless you intend to do this.

Thus Google understands your concern for information safety and its ease-of-use.  So you have no reason to distrust Google and its new privacy policy. It is all good for you.

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