Got a budding pilot on your hands?


Most children have grand dreams of what they want to do later in life. Some daydream of becoming a firefighter, a doctor, a vet or even a singer. Some will have a big ambition to become the pilot of a commercial aeroplane and this is something you should encourage – you never know, they might actually fulfil their goals one day!

flight tracker

So how can you help indulge your little one’s passion for flight? Well one great idea is to make use of the flight tracker tools available on the internet. These allow them to track flights around the world; watching them progress as the hours, days or weeks goes by. It’s a great way for them to learn about the most common routes and it can really give their knowledge of geography a boost too. What’s more, a lot of them are free – so all it will cost you is time and perhaps a little of your bandwidth!

You might also consider booking an actual flight for your little one. Be it an hour-long flight or a long-haul mission, they’ll love it regardless. You might even consider asking the flight attendants if you can take your little one into the flight deck! Most airlines will be willing to oblige, especially if you phone ahead and let them know your intentions. What could be more exciting for your kid than to see a real-life pilot in action?!

You can also amaze your kids by helping them learn about aircraft tooling, aircraft parts, pilot supplies, aircraft consumables such as aeroshell 22, and safety equipment, no doubt further nurturing their interest in the field of aviation and aeronautics and aiding them gain the knowledge that will come in useful should they end up pursuing a career in the industry.

Don’t forget all the other usual ways too, like reading about planes in books, watching educational films or programmes, or even just playing make-believe with your little one. Whatever you choose to do, support them as best you can and try to stay as involved as you can – because you never know, one day, they might offer to fly you somewhere sunny! Best to keep them sweet!

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