How to Ensure an Uninterrupted Telephone System in Your Organisation


Does your business often fall short of expectations when it comes to the need for uninterrupted communication and networking service? Do you know why it is so?

You never know if your competitor has an edge over you in this.

 Microcare Systems

Are you aware of these?

  • Are you sure that your technology service partner is providing you a competent networking solution?
  • Are they using efficient and reliable broadband connections, Ethernet system, calls and lines, SIP Trunking system in your office?
  • Do they offer you structured cabling solutions that are specifically designed to your business needs?
  • Does your business telephone system conform to industry standard? Do they provide you on-site support during prime business hours?
  • Are you getting phone system support from brands like Avaya, Polycom, LG-Nortel, Samsumg, Oak Telecom, Siemens, NEC?
  • Is your business telephone system secured and properly maintained?
  • Most importantly, can you save money and time on these investments? Are you still struggling with overhead costs due to poor quality networking infrastructure?

There are so many areas you need to look at. Are you aware of the basics of ideal telephone systems?

You may not know that you are using interrupted telephone system in your organisation. In fact you will never know this until you face major set backs in client communication and loose crucial business. In a service-oriented organisation you can never compromise with poor telephone system and substandard networking facilities.

What are the necessary actions?

What all you need is to consult a reliable telecom service provider who can assure you of quality, industry-driven and ongoing service. A company that is into telecom solutions, cabling infrastructure, security products, network services, IT support  and engineering services is an ideal choice. If you want to know how an ideal business telephone system work, visit Microcare’s website for more information.

Let us see what you deserve from a trusted telecom partner.

  1. Single-point contact for all networking and telephony services
  2. Continuous On-site support during business hours
  3. Quick response time once fault report logged
  4. Excellent track record in resolving faults remotely
  5. Ability to solve technical faults within the response time as promised
  6. Instant remote access diagnosis of defective system and resolution
  7. Complete installation of telephone system and engineering products
  8. Experienced and highly trained networking engineers, specialised in analogue, VoIP and digital system
  9. Engineering experience that is unmatchable and unputdownable
  10. Highly trustworthy engineers who have cleared all kinds of security checks and passed police and CRB investigations
  11. Advanced and integrated IT support system
  12. Affordable system maintenance packages that suits your budget and needs
  13. Accreditation of the provider by leading telephony manufacturers in the country
  14. ISO 9001 accreditation
  15. Easy to reach and communicate throughout business hours
  16. Full support for telephone systems of all brands such as Avaya, Siemens, Erricson, Samsung, LG-Nortel, Re-Tel, Panasonic, Kirk, Oak, NEC, Mitel and more.
  17. Wired and wireless VoIP system that is easy use
  18. Uncomplicated service that any business user can understand and work on
  19. Annual system health checks for free
  20. User-friendly helpdesk team who will never turn down your request in an emergency
  21. Performance report on a monthly basis
  22. Service Level Agreements to get assured response on time
  23. Technology help that supports ever-changing business requirements
  24. Quality advice that satisfies your current and future needs

Do you think your service provider is delivering everything mentioned above that you need to run your organisation smoothly?

We all know that effective and uninterrupted business communication is the call of the day. You need to ensure that your service provider is aware of all latest technological developments. Starting from VLAN, VoIP to routers and switches you need fully-functional IT support and networking system for your organisation.

So, what are you planning for? It is better to be late than doing it never. Ask your system support engineer to call a business telephone service provider today and discuss your needs in detail.

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