Monitor your social media performance: How to do it


Are you in the process of developing a social media regimen for your brand? Have you dipped your toe into ever-surprising Social media chatter and thinking its exact value? Monitoring and measurement is exclusively important.

There is N number of social media tools, each having different approach, methodology, metrics, channels, analysis parameter and UI. It seems tools are fragmented and there is no standard or certified metrics for the best practices. Means, social media fields are open and yet to be matured.

Social Media Monitoring

Just because social media tools are in their experimentation phase, it does not mean, you will remain as a silent spectator. You must monitor and measure your brand by using some popular social media tools.

Here we will discuss how to do social media monitoring?

 Social media monitoring

You can measure your social media performance with anyone, your customers, prospects, customer, partners, thought leaders etc. Monitoring has a stronger real-time application than measurement.

 How monitoring is done?

A.  It is performed on keyword basis. You can have brand name, relevant search terms, and products names as a keyword to be used. Check if any article or message in Social media platforms carries your business keywords.

B. Look if readers or people around your business desire to communicate, share, digest or relate your brand name. It could be about you, your industry or competitors.

C. For some quick analysis, you can use social media plugin on your website. If you can integrate your Facebook profile or page to your business website, you can measure the number of fans, followers and well-wishers. Yes, it requires time to track your success over time.

 Keep patience

It is difficult when you are about to analyze huge ocean of blog posts, tweets, Facebook likes and then filter out a handful list of actionable insights. Monitoring helps you protect your brand from negative marketing.

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