Reasons To Choose And Install Office 2010

microsoft office 2010

Office 2010 is a productivity suite of Microsoft Office that is used in various day-to-day operations. It offers various applications that include Microsoft, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. Every application has different benefits and usage and this is the main reason behind installing Office 2010. Office 2010 offers good user interface, easy accessibility and various other advantages. One must install Office 2010 to experience these benefits and great features of Office suite.

microsoft office 2010

List of Benefits Offered by Microsoft Office 2010:

1.      Security:

Office 2010 offers great security features. Technology that is used here helps to improve the system security. It safeguards data and system from threats and attacks. Protected view is one of the security features that prevents unauthorized user to modify any document. It stops unauthorized access to user data and ensures security to the data. It access every data file and verify it before enabling it to the users. Data execution prevention is another advanced security feature of Office 2010 that prevents the execution of any unknown or unsecure program. Office 2010 also controls the type of data that has to be executed or stored; it helps in the implementation of security protocols.

 2.      Design: Office 2010 is designed to meet the requirement of clients. Spark lines is one of the features of Office 2010 that is used to signify different figures. It is also used to show styles of the objectives inside a spreadsheet. This design leads to ease of use.

 3.      In-Built Themes: It is another useful feature of Microsoft Office 2010. It offers full range of themes that is about 40 in numbers and user can select one that suits his documents. It helps to keep track of documents by providing different theme to it and hence, saves quality time of the user. Customized theme is good for document coordination and easy data accessing.

 4.      Social Connectivity: Social media is playing a vital role in easy and cheap communication. User can carry out various social media activities with the help of Office 2010. It allows synchronization of existing contacts with different social networking platforms. Outlook address book intimates a user about the changes or updates made by his friend or follower on social media platform. It also updates user about various online activities of his follower. It allows user to manage a social media account by saving lots of time.

 5.      Processing the Data and Working Offline: An authorized user can anytime, anywhere access and modify the data that is stored on the server. One can accomplish this task while being offline. Changes made by the user is synchronized and automatically saved when he comes online. This way one can enhance the productivity of self and the organization especially, when he is out for trip or facing internet connection or any other internet issues.

6.      Toolbars: Finding commands to carry out any operation as in saving a document, printing it or sharing it with others was a daunting task. Lot of time of a user was killed throughout the process. This drawback of Microsoft Office is removed from the newer version. Office 2010 has made command searching easier and offers quick access to the data with the help of extended toolbars. Personalized ribbon in Office 2010 allows user to make or organize tabs in an order that follows the preference of access set by the user. User can customize or personalize the ribbon to make the commands easily and quickly accessible, that a user uses most often. It also allows creating a tab and customizing the in-built tabs.

It is these benefits that tempt people to install Office 2010, and enjoy an uninterrupted and fully functional working experience.

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