Using Technology To Interact With Your Customers

Using Technology To Interact

Technology is developing, growing and expanding at an alarming rate. Here are five ways that you can utilise technological tools to interact with your customers.


Personalisation is the key here. Ensure that you address them by their first name. It’s also crucial to have a click-worthy subject line. For a business audience, try linking it to current news. This could be who just won at the Oscars, for example. For a younger audience, you could reference popular songs in the charts, or a current social media trend. By doing this, you are demonstrating to the receiver that you are up-to-date on current affairs and trends.

 Social media

It is critical to have a presence on as many different forms of social media as possible. If your customers are on there, you need to be on there. You should have a Facebook account, which allows you to post a variety of messages, links, photographs and videos. Running competitions is a great way to get more interactivity. The same goes for Twitter, a social media platform especially popular with business-minded people. Twitter users are usually past University age. Similarly, if you have a bank of great images of your products, Instagram and Pinterest are both great too.

Using Technology To Interact

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We carry our phones with us everywhere we go. We fall asleep with them under our pillows, and check them the minute we wake up. So where better to be than right inside their phones? App development can be tricky for the untrained, so hiring professionals is a good idea here. You’ll be able to input your own ideas and preferences, and then see them turned into reality. As for examples of business that already have apps, look at travel companies. You can now download apps for businesses like First Choice that allow you to have keep your flight boarding pass on your phone. Similarly, coffee shops like Costa Coffee track points via their app, which eventually add up to entitle the customer to a free drink.


Blogs are becoming critical for every company with a website nowadays. And what company does have a website? Blogging gives your company a real voice. The benefits of blogging are endless. It drives internet traffic to your website. It can increase your rankings on search engine sites like Google and Bing. You get to control the information that gets put out to the world, which is a powerful tool to have. You can tailor your voice to your company, and ensure it will attract the right audience members. Having a blog is also great for customer relations. You give your customers the chance to familiarise themselves with your brand from home.


The vlogging phenomenon took off shortly after blogging did, but now it is truly flying. Thanks to YouTube, videos of your business and staff can now reach everyone. By putting out videos, you are giving your customers a real sense of what you company is like. You can see three great examples of company blogs here.

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