Want to increase FB fan base? Weigh your decision


Who don’t want to be a popular face in Facebook? Everyone, as per my knowledge goes. Some aim to make business out of it, some wish to create large friend circle. And, few want to do experiments with it. Well, I wish to be in the third category.

However, social media application does not end there, especially for people who find business in everything. At the end of the day, it is profit that counts.

Facebook likes

That is how Facebook fan page came in existence. Just forming an extensive friend list and being a social icon does not make you money. Moreover, casual interaction won’t interest anybody for long. It is direction-less and distracting. Any marketing initiative should have a definite objective.

Please don’t tell me you want publicity in social place to do charity.

However, come to the bottom line.

You want more likes for your Facebook fan page. But, you can’t afford enough time and money for it. Moreover, it is not an easy & quick process as I mentioned in my previous post SMM is not about purchasing Likes and Follower lists only.

All though, there has to be some way around. Recently, I read a few threads on this topic in Digital Point forum and then came up with some solutions. You may find these worthy.

Note below: The suggestions are for those who can’t do it of their own. However once you boost up the base, nurture them for some time, your fan page become viral.

Here are both the options for you –

Using automated tools and paid service

1. Pay to SMM service providers. They apply various ways to collect fans. For example, first, they arrange voting system for different theme related questions. Then, in voting button, they integrate ‘Like’ button and connect fan pages.

Next, they create ad campaigns in Facebook –like text ads, banner ads which redirect people to their voting pages. Any facebook user around the world can vote on their ads and become your Facebook fan. These fans are real people and targeted visitors. You can include your fan page into this service and boost up results.

2. Use Twiends. Some are also talking about its use for Twitter and You Tube.

3. Pay some one who has more fans on their page

4. Auto clicker is also a nice tool to use. Fiverr and clickjacking scripts are also popular in use.

5. Hire Social Media Optimizer for your website and FB fan page. They will link your website to the fan page and ensure your page information come on search Engine result pages.

6. Promote your page through Facebook ads. This is a paid option.

7. You can use Facebook Friendadder Pro software to get more fans.

Doing it manually:

The best option is to do it manually. It gives you confidence and definite results. You can focus on post wall updates, comment wall update, and send message features to get attention from online friends. This will give you more targeted audience than using automated tools.

You can participate in different relevant fan pages as a Page and offer valuable information. Uniqueness and quality is the first and foremost criteria. Sharing quality stuffs would encourage other page holders to like your page.

Once you update your page with interesting news and tutorial based information, getting new likes is just a matter of time. There is no substitute for naturally build-up fans for your page. At the end of the day you want them to stay with you.

If you know about any more good tools, please share it for my readers. You can do that by commenting here.

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