What did social media think about Nike’s Black and Tan fiasco? Find out in Future of Engagement!


St Patrick’s Day is a good time to go out with your friends and grab a dark Irish beer, but the run-up to this year’s celebration was overshadowed by Nike’s decision to name its newest trainer the Black and Tan. Intended to be an allusion to Guinness and other dark Irish beers (a black and tan is a popular drink in the United States that’s made with dark beers), the name ended up reminding Irish people of the Black and Tans terrorist group that tried to put down the Irish Revolution in the early 1920’s. In Future of Engagement, host Murray Newlands looks at how social media reacted to the fiasco:


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  • Lots of coverage was on Facebook in the form of images since Facebook is good for sharing images.
  • Some Irish people weren’t that upset since the Revolution was almost a century ago…
  • …But slightly over a quarter of social media coverage was negative.

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