4 Guest Blogging Rules Every Blogger Must Know


Guest blogging is now a very prominent way of promoting your blog to get high level targeted traffic and increase the ranks of your blog in all rounds. Almost every blog out there in the blogosphere is accepting guest posts. Since everybody now knows the value of guest blogging, we are having high concentration in the area of guest blogging. And apart for guest blogging being very prominent, it’s also a very convenient way of building a good relationship with other bloggers.

rules of guest blogging

However, because guest blogging has now become the focus of every blogger that wants to promote his blog and bring his writing skills to limelight, the field is now becoming competitive. This is also making it difficult for fresh and newbie bloggers to get their guest posts considered by other established bloggers. The good news is that you are not alone because I have some tips which have helped me increase my weight watchers and bistro md coupon blog’s traffic with guest blogging to share with you here.

Follow Hosts’ Requirements

One of the first aspects we have to talk about is the requirements of the host, that is, the blogger on whose site you are expecting your articles to be published on. As far as we are human beings, it is very easy for us and almost inevitable to break rules and deviate from orders. This, however, fetches penalties which often times are not equal to the pain (if any) that is involved in following rules.

One of the major reasons bloggers don’t accept guest authors’ posts to be published on their blogs is due to defiance. Whenever you follow the requirements set by the owner of the blog you are expecting your article to be published on, you have more chances of having your guest posts accepted.

Follow-up with emails

It’s easy to get forgotten by people you are meeting for the first time. Everybody has his or her own problems to face and may not remember that a guest author has submitted a guest post for review on his blog. Nobody is a machine that will remember everything that is stored on it and this justifies the need for follow-up emails.

If you can constantly send emails reminding the blogger that your article is still awaiting moderation on his blog and you’d be more than glad to have your article published on his “lovely” blog, your article would be published sooner than you expect.

Write What Your Host Will Understand

Since you are not writing for your blog, you’ll have to put more efforts in what you write as guest posts for other blogs. Don’t write for the sake of the backlinks you’ll be getting from your host, but write with the aim of providing values for your hosts’ blog readers and you’ll be able to write articles that are interesting.

You may need to read some of the latest posts on the blog you are expecting your article to be published on before you go ahead to write your guest posts for them.

Follow Length Guidelines

Another important but, yet, easy guideline you need to follow when preparing a guest post is the length guidelines. Most bloggers request for articles ranging from 450 words to 600 words and this is the ideal length for a guest post, unless you want to submit a press release which may be shorter and would be ranging between 250 words to 500 words.
If you should follow these rules effectively, there is nothing that can hinder your guest posts from getting published by bloggers when you submit them.

Guest Author: Guest posting has allowed John Edget to successfully promote and bring traffic to a page in his site www.weightlosstriumph.com where he features a promotion code for Weight Watchers. By following the rules he describes above, many dieters visit his site daily to learn about Weight Watchers, a weight loss program that teaches you how to live healthy through weight loss plans designed by experts with 45 years of experience.

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