6 Blogging Mistakes You Should Avoid in 2021


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For many, blogging has provided the platform to promote themselves and their businesses. For others, it is an avenue to grow an audience, add value, and earn revenue. According to statistics, the US alone has a blogger population close to 31.7 million, which creates such a competitive atmosphere in the internet space. Whatever your reason may be, there is so much that could go wrong even for seasoned writers. Want to take your writing to the next level? Avoid these mistakes as a blogger in 2021:

Choosing the wrong platform

When starting your new blog, it is reasonable to fall for the convincing marketing approaches of free blogging platforms. While this makes a lot of sense for a new blogger in saving cash, it may become problematic in the future, causing you to wish you invested in the usability provided by blogging platforms like WordPress. There are several other blogging platforms offering heaps of free templates, especially for new bloggers.
Although free blogs may be easy to set up, it is essential to invest in a plan which costs an average of $65/ year if you want to take your blogging seriously. Paying for your web plan will provide you with a professional website and complete tools to enhance your blogging experience, unlike free plans with limited control and many ads to cover their expenses. To take it a step further, you may also want to look into a custom domain name if you are looking to establish a unique online presence. Tools like whois can help you check the availability of domain names and provide information about the current owners if you are interested in purchasing it from them.

Trying to please everybody

When you start your blogging career, you are so enthusiastic about taking over the world, and this has led many bloggers to make the mistake of trying to please everyone. Taking this approach may lead you to start writing so much and perhaps on topics that don’t interest you. So, before the big take-off, find the niche that interests you the most and blog about that. This way there’s never a dull moment since you’ll enjoy what you are doing, and you’ll remain consistent. It could be a career field or hobby, but the best advice is to focus on things that interest you the most. Doing so makes your blog the go-to place for expert info and support.

Focusing on SEO instead of people

It can be tempting to write with just high search engine rankings and traffic in mind, but unfortunately this is one of the most typical mistakes committed by bloggers. You need to remember that humans will read your blog, since search engines only allow you to transfer data from one individual to another. Therefore, when writing, be sure to use clear and simple language to establish a relationship with your audience. This will help them get what they want, which means they’ll keep coming for more.

This doesn’t mean you should forget the value of SEO tools like web design and UX to the success of your blog, as they play a role in helping you to rank high and boost your audience reach. Consider getting a click testing tool to evaluate and improve your user experience to enhance your traffic.

Lack of consistency

When starting a new blog, it is essential to write and update your content regularly. Put together a writing calendar to remind you of the content or audience to focus on at every point. Like every aspect of life, planning is vital to maintaining a successful blogging career. Before posting your first article, make sure you have items or content to upload for at least a week. While at it, avoid spamming your subscribers. Publishing good quality content leaves your readers looking forward to your next post.

Poor time management and lack of blogging schedule

Bad time management is a problem faced by many bloggers, as they don’t plan their content and resort to random posting; as a result, they fill their web space with articles that may not be relevant to their target audience. To manage your time properly, make writing arrangements based on your blogging schedule. For many successful bloggers, creating an excel sheet with your blog post’s date and a title is an efficient approach to time management. However, it is not enough to make a schedule without making the effort to accomplish it.

Focusing on quantity instead of quality

When it comes to content writing or blogging, prioritize quality over quantity. Writing a lot of unnecessary content stuffed with keywords in it will provide your readers with no value, and this is one sure way to end your blogging career before you even get started. While the quantity of articles you post is essential, one quality post can offer so much traffic. It can serve as a reference and link to thousands of other domains, increasing your entire website’s value.

Quality content requires time, effort, and good research; it is worth the effort to post quality content since it has the potential for high returns compared to half-baked or poorly written content. Whether you are a beginner or pro blogger, generating money or making a name from your writing skills will require a lot of commitment and investment. You are most likely to continue committing errors along the way, however, take the pro blogger approach and turned them into lessons. Although it won’t be easy, keep in mind that to err is human, but to blog should be exciting.

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