5 Best Ways To Optimize Your Blog For Easy Google Ranking

Blog Marketing

Internet business can be a lot fun and profitable, when your blog is ranking well in search engines especially Google. If you know how to optimize your web pages properly, you may as well write your own paycheck. Several bloggers have missed out on the great rewards that search engines offer, but you can be different.

In this unique post, I want to unveil some common but proven concepts, which could help in positioning your blog, much as bait that draws targeted traffic from these search machines. Ride with me as I share all I know about building great sites that enjoy good ranking.

Blog Marketing

Top 10 Ranking, How Easy?

While speaking in a “Daily Blogging Conference” right here in Africa, a full fledged man asked me a very ‘strong’ question. He asked, “Top 10 Google ranking, how easy is it?

I had to pause for a while before giving my verdict. Even though I’ve build several niche sites that are ranking well on Google, I never achieved these results overnight, not even on a platter. Some of my sites ranked within the second month, while others waited till about 5 – 6 months. In any case, I replied, “it’s not easy, but it’s 100% obtainable.

So, if you’re expecting to start seeing high ranking for a new domain name, and a blog you just launched, you may as well look elsewhere. But the strategies below are going to make things a lot easier, and interesting, as you climb the big”G.”

Know Your Primary Keyword

You’ve to determine the exact keyword you want to rank for. As a rule of thumb, you should start with few keywords. These terms off course, should be in your domain name. actually, its’ a lot easier to rank a blog that has keywords on the domain name, and a lot difficult for abstract domain names like yahoo, google, amazon etc., except you’ve great capital outlay for massive advertising.

Pick 3 – 5 relevant keywords and work towards enhancing their placement on Google. This is also acting as a clear goal, concise and realistic. If you can do this step thoroughly, your top 10 ranking is 2 steps away. While optimizing my coupon blog, my primary keywords were sittercity promo coupon and 6pm discounts. By being focused, I got good positions with ease.

Know Your Rivals Well

Who do you think are your rivals? They’re competitors in your niche. Those web pages and blogs that are somewhat ahead of you. By knowing them in and out, you would be able to snag a powerful content that beats their strangest marketing activities. These days, search engine marketing has become a lot easier for wise marketers, who know where and how to spy competitors. When a blog is ranking against you, you need to ask yourself questions.

By spying on competitors, you could pinpoint the exact authority sites, where they got their backlinks. Also, the type of content they publish on their blog, and how the keywords are placed. I’m really good in legal spying, and it’s helped my niche blogs tremendously.

Go The Extra Mile

It’s not enough to know your competitors; the keywords they rank for, the authority sites they got their external links, their link structure, content layout and all the likes, but you’ve got to “move one inch ahead.”

Well, you may be thinking, ‘how do I go the extra mile?’

Simple… If you discover that the web pages that outranked you have 20 backlinks from authority sites, you should get 25 backlinks too. If you aim for twenty external links, your chance of outranking any web page is slim; this is because those sites ahead of you have already won the heart of Google search spider.

By going the extra mile, you would eventually supplement the periods you never ranked, as well as measure up in the algorithm check.

If your competitors have 10 unique posts in the past 30 days, write about 20 detailed posts, make it lengthy and don’t stuff keywords. As much as possible, make your content natural and link back to your inner pages.

Final Excerpt

There is actually no magic to search engine ranking. Google made it clear, during the recent Panda updates that they are much interested, in blogs that appear natural, devoid of duplicate contents and have easy navigational channels. They also place much emphasis on the health of linking sites.

Make sure you understand the sites you’re building your backlinks from. Aim for few unique, relevant and natural backlinks, it’s the best way to become the next search engine giant. See you at the top!

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