7 Easy To Fix Reasons Your Website Visitor Numbers Suck

Website Visitors

It’s not enough just to have a website for your business. You need to be routinely checking the data to see how many visitors you’re receiving, how long they’re spending browsing your site, and ultimately how many of your visitors are giving you business. If it’s been awhile since you’ve checked, take a look now. Don’t like what you see? Then you might be committing one of the common errors businesses make when it comes to their website. Below, we take a look and these reasons, which will help you make the necessary changes moving forward.

Website Visitors

Source: Pexels.com

There’s No Strategy

You’re not in this game for the short-term. Ideally, you’ll still be in business in one, five, and ten years from now. As such, you can’t just let things run on autopilot; you need to have a strategy for your online presence, which is then constantly updated and revised depending on your business needs. Your strategy begins by understanding who you’re trying to entice to your site. Create your buyer personas – fictional versions of the type of people who might use your website – and then make sure your online strategy is tailored to bring them on board.

You’re Advertising…But Not Wisely

You’ve hopefully allocated some of your business budget to advertising your business and website elsewhere on the internet. The thing is, however, that while there are many different types of ways you can spend your advertising budget, not all options are created equal. If you’ve been paying your precious cash on banner advertisements or autoplay videos, look away now: the experts think these are the least efficient methods. A tried and trusted method is PPC (pay per click), because it’s based on people already interested in your product clicking through. To set up an effective PPC campaign, check out the services at https://falcondigitalmarketing.com/ppc-management-services/ and get better quality leads for your business. It’s all about looking to the future and ditching the outdated advertising techniques that simply no longer work.

Your Website Isn’t Inspiring

Be honest: if it wasn’t your website, how long you spend browsing your site? Visitors figure out whether a website is worth their time within moments of landing on the first page. If your site is uninspiring, then you won’t be giving your visitors a chance to see all the awesome stuff you offer. Check out https://www.creativeboom.com/inspiration/50-of-the-best-websites-for-daily-inspiration/ and get creative.

Errors, Contact Details, Photos

Even worse than an uninspiring website is one that doesn’t look trustworthy. You could have the best products or services in the universe, but if the visitor isn’t sure about spending time on your site, then you can forget that: they’ll be gone. It’s the small things that matter. Grammatical and spelling errors are a pretty big heads up that a business isn’t credible. A lack of contact details will also have your visitors heading to click ‘x’ pretty quickly, as will poor quality photographs that look dated/can be found everywhere on the internet.

You’re Offering Nothing

Your website is kind of about you and your services, but it’s much more about your visitors. If you’re not offering them anything when they visit your website, then why would they stick around? Make sure your website is working for them. Even small things like offering tips and tricks related to your industry will go a long way. You want people to enjoy spending time on your site; if they’re there long enough, then maybe they’ll eventually find their way to your products and services page.

Lost in the Past

You can never afford to stay still when it comes to your website. New features, designs, and functionality are pushing the online world all the time. If you don’t have these things incorporated into your site, then your site will look dated, and your visitors will go to your competitors. It’s always a good idea to keep an eye on what the biggest websites are doing because they’re the trendsetters. Soon everyone will have the features they have, so make sure you do too and don’t get left behind.

Your Site Is Annoying

Sometimes, there’s no other way to put it: your site is annoying. A lot of websites think that popups, autoplay videos, and other intrusive behaviors are engaging; they’re not. They just put your visitor off your site. Nothing will make a potential customer run faster than a company that clearly doesn’t care if they annoy people!

If you’re guilty of any of the above, make the changes now, and you’ll start seeing a boost in your visitor numbers!

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