7 Powerful App Store Optimization Tips to Boost Your App Visibility and Downloads

app store optimization tips

According to app statistics, there 2.87 million apps in the Google Play store and 1.96 million apps in Apple’s app store. Add to that 669,000 apps in the Windows store and 455,000 in the Amazon app store and that number will touch the 6 million mark. How can you make your app stand out from the crowd and prevent your app from getting submerged in the sea of other applications?

That is where app store optimization can come in handy.  It can not only improve your visibility but also help you to get more downloads for your mobile apps. If you are wondering how you can optimize your app for app stores, then you are at the right place.

In this article, you will learn about seven app store optimization tips that will increase your mobile app visibility and downloads.

1.  Know Your Customers and Competitors

Start off by conducting research on your target audience and try to know their pain points. Put yourself in their shoes and think which keywords or terms they will use to search for your mobile app. Why would someone download your app? Which features will they use the most?

Next, analyze your competitors and the different strategies they are using. For this, you can use different competitor analysis tools. These tools will tell you everything you need to know about your competitor. Also, keep an eye on apps that are topping the charts in your categories.

2.  Add Relevant Keywords

Keywords still play an important role in search engine optimization and the same goes true for app store optimization as well. Look at the keywords your competitors are using. Conduct keyword research to find relevant keywords to optimize your app for. Avoid using random keywords, as it can get your mobile app penalized.

As a rule of thumb, you should use keywords that have a higher search volume but have lower competition. If you are using singular keywords, make sure you stick to them. On the contrary, if you are using plural keywords, you should follow the same formula throughout.

Don’t forget to add keywords in the in-app-purchases metadata section. It gives you four different options that you can take advantage of.

  • In-app purchase title
  • In-app purchase description
  • Detailed description
  • List of benefits

If you choose the right keywords for your mobile app, users searching for an app will see your app on top of the results. This increases your chances to get more downloads.

3.  Make It Interactive

When a user searches for an app, they want to see it in action. They want to get a better idea about how the app would perform and look like after you download and use it. As a business, you need to show the user instead of telling the user how good your app actually is.

Did you know that adding videos can increase your app downloads by 40%?  Yes, you read that right. Add screenshots and videos that can help users set clear expectations. Keep your videos short and to the point. This video should highlight how your app can solve users’ problems instead of telling them about the features. Use a colorful template to make a lasting first impression. Don’t forget to add logos but make sure they follow the standard size guidelines provided by the app stores 

4.  Conduct A/B Testing

There are two different types of Meta data used for optimizing mobile apps for app stores.

  • On metadata
  • Off metadata

One of the key differences between off and on metadata is that off metadata cannot be controlled by developers while on metadata is under the control of app developers. User ratings are the best example of off metadata while concise and detailed descriptions, as well as the screenshots, are the best sample of on metadata.

Perform A/B testing to find the perfect combination of app elements to use in your mobile app. This is exactly what app development companies does to get the best results.

5.  Update Your App Frequently

Irrespective of how innovative your mobile app idea was and how good your mobile app might be, users will eventually get sick and tired of it. That is why it is important for businesses to keep updating their mobile apps with new and interesting features to keep the users interested.

Evaluate metrics such as the number of downloads, reviews and ratings when you update your app. This will help you compare the previous version of the app with the current one. Experiment by changing the meta title, description and screenshot and see whether the results change or not.

6.  Get Your App Locally Listed

Both Google Play Store and Apple app store has a feature that let app publishers list their apps locally. You should take advantage of this feature and get your app listed locally. This allows you to extend the user base through app localization but also comes in handy when it comes to finding the mobile app in different countries. Publishing an app in the native language will enhance the user experience drastically as local users can use it freely. That does not mean that you should not create an app in the English language for the global market.

7.  Collect User Feedback and Act on It

One of the best ways to improve your app experience is to listen to user feedback and incorporate those changes in future releases and versions of your mobile applications. This can also come in handy when it comes to improving your user ratings and reviews. Tell users that you value user feedback and are working on improving the app user experience in the light of user feedback. This way, you can convert negative reviews and poor ratings into positive ones, which can improve your rankings on app stores.

Which mobile app store optimization tips do you use and why? Let us know in the comments section below.

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