Become successful in 30 days

Matt Cutts 30days

To be successful in any industry you must set yourself goals and challenges. The best way to become a successful blogger is to start blogging and moving towards your goals. There are times  you’ll become burnt out and struggle for ideas, however, this is never a failure. Failure is a lesson. The more lessons that you have, the more likely you’ll succeed.  Every car journey consists of a number of: gear changes, starting points, speed restrictions and opportunities to accelerate. Driving is exactly the same as any career. You’ll have high points and low points.

Matt Cutts 30days

Challenge yourself to succeed

Deadlines are an important part of life. You must get used to that. To be a successful person we need to create goals and challenges for ourselves. Give yourself 30 days to reach a worthy goal. 30 days isn’t long.

Consider this, when you constantly do something over 30 days you’re creating a habit.  These habits can be empowered for the good.

Some examples of things you can do over 30 days:

  • Walk 30 minutes a day
  • Read 30 minutes a day
  • Write an article everyday
  • Communicate with one new person everyday on Twitter
  • Spend five minutes a day keeping your work space tidy

These are all simple goals that can be achieved daily. Consider what you would gain from doing these daily activities. Focus on what you’ll gain.

Issuing a challenge to your blogging community is a great way of maintaining determination and motivation. You want to be reliable, don’t you? If you let others down, you let yourself down. Focus on developing a system where you’ll never back out. As a blogger your reputation is at stake.

 Some examples of 30 day challenges

Matt Cutts – 30 Days

Matt Cutts the head of Google’s Webspam team has a 30 day challenge every month. Matt decides to let his audience vote for the next challenge.

Some of the challenges were:

  1. Try one new thing every day
  2. Learn to play the guitar
  3. Take a photograph everyday

One of the most amusing challenges included: writing left-handed instead of right. I am left handed so it would feel weird for me being right handed.

This is a fantastic way of letting the audience choose what you should do.


The Raw Food Diet – Steve Pavlina

The Raw Food Diet – Steve Pavlina

Steve Pavlina is one of the world’s top bloggers in the area of personal development.  The raw food diet or Vegan diet is one of the most unique challenges to date. Of course, this is a massive lifestyle change, but the information that’s given to the readers was incredible.

If you created a 30 day challenge to improve your online presence, you’ll see some amazing results.

How to become a successful blogger

Top personal development coaches from the late Earl Nightingale to Tony Robbins suggest you can improve your life in just 30 days. Just think how you could grow your blog in 30 days?

How you could improve your online presence in 30 days

You could:

  • Write high quality content more often
  • Develop a better linking strategy
  • Create a social media campaign for your blog
  • Read five blog posts a day
  • Lower your Alexa ranking

There are many ways to improve your online presence. The most important thing is that you take action.

Your turn

Give yourself 30 days and what could you do to improve your blog and yourself? I am interested to hear your suggestions.


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