Best marketing techniques to promote wordpress blog


Monetizing a blog is not an easy job as there is heavy competition in the market today. As web is the main source for the investors and entrepreneurs for marketing their services, they are making use of eye catching blogs for attracting the visitors. It is not just enough if the blog is running over the internet. It has to be promoted well by following the various procedures described below.

 promote wordpress blog

Post on relevant blogs:

When a blog is started, it is very difficult to get the search so make use of the existing blogs to promote your blog. Existing blogs will have more visitors and good search ranking from the search engines. So post your blog link in them which will make the visitors visiting the existing blogs to visit the new blog also. Most important thing to note here is that the existing blogs should be chosen with great care. Choosing the blogs which belongs to the same category of your blog is most important so that you get the maximum traffic.

Social bookmarking:

Now a day most of the people are using the social networking websites. This is the best place to catch more and more customers to your blog. Tagging is the best feature of bookmarking. Tag your blogs home page and get the maximum response. This is because search engines will display the search results based on the pages tagged by the users.

Pinging strategy:

Pinging is the best technique to make the blog more active. There is a default tool in wordpress for pinging but still many of business men love to have a separate tool for this purpose. When a blog is updated with a new content the server will be notified immediately so that it is handy for the search engines to list the blog at the recent pages.

Post on forums:

Today other than social networks the place where one can find more population is the forums. Whenever a person faces any difficulty or needs any information, he will make use of forums where people will be speaking about their personal experience. So choose the relevant forum and post your blog address so that the people will find your blog easily.

70% to 80% of the people will fail in marketing their blog in this fast moving and competitive internet world. So make use of these important procedures and get good profit. These strategies may be beneficiary immediately or it might help in getting good response in future.

About The Author:

Nishant is very passionate about PHP development, codeigniter web application, wordpress CMS development, web designing, SEO/internet marketing and blogging. If you like this post, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment, share his post and follow him @phprockerz on Twitter.

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