Everything You Need To Know About Becoming A Freelance Writer


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Becoming a freelance writer isn’t easy, however, since the COVID-19 pandemic as employers have had to cut down on costs, and one way many have done that is to lose their full-time copywriters and employ people on a freelance basis instead. People are also now getting more used to working remotely and having people work for them remotely, so now could be the perfect time to give freelance writing a go, but what do you need to know? 

How to pitch

Every freelance writer needs to know how to pitch an idea. There is no point in having great ideas and great writing skills if no one gets to see them, so you have to be able to put your ideas out there. Without giving the story away, you need to be able to show an editor that your story is interesting and that you are the right person to write it. It might be that you are given a copywriting project by a company and told what to write about, but you still need to be able to pitch this to the press to get media coverage for it. Read as much information as you can on learning how to pitch. Don’t be disheartened if it takes you a while, you just need to keep at it and find your own way.

To Build a portfolio

People need to see that you can write and that what you write about is interesting, so you need to have a portfolio to be able to see yourself. The great thing about this is that you can do this on your own, you can start writing things for yourself, volunteer to write articles for a charity magazine so that you have something published, or see if you can get some work experience. While it’s not ideal and it is working for free to build up a portfolio, it is also worth it in the end and as at least an industry where you are able to do this. Once you have built up a body of work you could create your own website to show what you can do.

About self-employment

Once you start working and getting paid to write, you’ll have to do the boring stuff like your own taxes and bookkeeping. According to MNE Accounting, you should get yourself some accounting software as it takes a fraction of your (and your accountant’s – see later!) time to keep your records. Instead of sitting down every Sunday evening for three hours adding up sales, with a good piece of software, this might become an hour every few weeks.

To identify clients

Once you start working it’s easier to get more work. There are websites such as Upwork and Fiverr which can help you get started and to find quick wins with clients who may not require much experience. Then you need to cast your net as wide as you possibly can, let everyone know what you are doing, and to keep you in mind if they need any writing. Get in touch with people on Linkedin and let them know about your services, email people, and introduce yourself, sign up for freelance recruitment agencies and check out job boards too. There is plenty of work out there, you just need to find it, take it, do a great job and more will come.

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