How to get ideas for feature articles


Feature articles are a brilliant way to entertain an online audience and draw more traffic to a website. They take a bit longer to write but this is often worth it as a great feature will continue to draw in traffic years after it was posted online.

One of the hardest parts of feature article writing is deciding on a brilliant topic. This article lists some ideas for writing great features.

Featured article

Be Topical

Writing a feature on a topical subject is a brilliant idea because of the guarantee that consumers are searching for it. Even if writers have a brilliant but non-current idea, they should do their best to make a link to a current news event. With a well-crafted title, this could bring in shed-loads of extra traffic.

Help People Out

Content marketing is all about giving customers what they need. A thoroughly entertaining feature will be enjoyed by consumers but one that helps your target audience in their day-to-day lives is likely to be valued a lot more and could even result in them returning to a website to buy a product.


Features which are controversial, perhaps because they differ from public opinion, are more likely to attract attention than articles simply echoing the views of others.

A writer should never be deliberately controversial just to get hits – but if they find themselves disagreeing with the general public, they should let the world know why.


Why not try and arrange an interview with an important figure in your industry? If this person is well-known, people are likely to be very interested in what they have to say. Focus the feature around the most newsworthy statement they make.

Guest Writers

Outsourcing your articles to someone else is a great way to potentially expose a website to a new audience. A popular guest writer is likely to have new ideas and will encourage fans of their work to view their new blog on whatever website employs them.

A great feature article takes a bit of work but writers who follow these tips could definitely attract new readers in their droves.

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