Know the pains in web-content writing job


Writing content for website is challenging as well as rewarding. If you are into SEO-based content writing, the same holds true. Once you land up in this job, you will face both side of the coin. Those who can accept the challenge and mould their skills accordingly sustain in this field. Others are nipped in the bud.

Your success as a pro writer depends on how adaptable and smart you are in this profession.

SEO content writing load

Here in this post we have tried to focus on challenging part of this profession. Being a writer, I can feel the pain and glory this job profile has. However, one has to accept them all and continue for betterment.

Why SEO based writing is a challenging task

A. Less freedom:

Writing on web, that too for client’s promotion, is quite different from normal course of writing. Newspaper editors, columnists, article writers, freelance writers enjoy much freedom and space than SEO content writers do. You have to cross several boundaries to bring perfection in your write-up. These could be during topic selection, maintaining keyword density, or following a particular writing style. Writing articles that go for client approval are even more intimidating.

B. Limited creativity

 Writing content is a creative job. But, SEO content writing after a certain period of time is not. Nobody likes to write on same topic repeatedly. That is a human instinct.

However, a web content writer’s has to deal with this pain – writing on same set of keywords and similar campaigns. For them creativity is the acid-test and this test never ends. A professional writer can never use flowery language in his or her own content. Too much of experimentations may spoil the business objective of advertiser.

C. One is not enough:

Having sound knowledge in language is not enough if you want to succeed in this domain. There are many more strings attached to it. You have to cultivate multi-specialty writing skills and excel in that.  Moreover, you need to learn how to deal with language and information.

A good SEO writer has to apply several techniques to generate fresh and unique content day in and day out. This needs you to be multi-talented and inquisitive.

D. Resource formulation is never easy:

Lack of resource and lack of ideas have always been a scarcity for web content writers. How many times you can Google out new and relevant resource for a similar topic. What are the ways you can use same resource to produce different contents? How do you filter out content resources and then mould it for further use? All these activities are critical in nature.

 A web content writer should possess essential qualities to perform them in stringent conditions.

E. Your take-away

Thus, the journey to be a successful web content writer is never easy.  You have to stumble, slog and go through painful process of meeting targets. This system goes on and on until you learn the way outs. Only a few know how to tackle with these challenges and move on. For others it is a life-long struggle.

To me there is no point being incompetent in this field. The industry will not let you sustain for long. If you do not start growing from day one it is better you quit as soon as possible.

Those who are blessed with good language skill, imaginative power, and story writing ability stand good chance in this field. It is not that others cannot make it to their fortune. Web content writing is a field open for all but is not everyone’s cup of tea.

 You learn until you know enough…. You grow until you are satisfied enough.

In my next post, I will talk about why web content writing is rewarding. Keep waiting until I make it live soon.

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