My blog helps me learn and grow : An honest confession


It is 31st of December 2011– end of another vibrant year. By the time I will finish this post and make it live, all will get busy welcoming 2012.


New Year 2012

The reason I am writing this post is bit special. It is about how my blog traversed through this year since April 2011. In fact, I am still counting on the days spent with this blog. is my brainchild and I am proud to own it. It feels so special whenever I browse it, read others comments, reply to my readers or check with its traffic stats.

To be honest this web marketing blog wins my heart every time I see visitors spending their valuable time on and for it. Thanks to all of them once again.

However, the journey was never smooth as I am not a veteran by my age in this web industry. It is only because, my profession turned into my passion – which is what, and how much I am today. I can better see myself growing with time as this blog has given me a strong reason to learn, understand and execute.

Well, back to mainline story – I am going to share what all I did for this blog. Do not panic, it will only be a brief.  It may read little funny to some but that is how a stone starts rolling. A blogger has to go through several DIY stages – to make sure learning is complete. Who knows you may have faced the same situations while planning for your first blog. Did you remember that?

How I found the stepping stone?

For a novice like me changes and updates never stop so is my effort to make it better and only better.

Yet, I was quite serious right from the domain selection to hosting to writing content and to making it popular (hopefully it is or will be). Everything I tried for this was nothing but a series of trial and error methods. That is what I love doing. Gradually my simple understandings moved to advanced applications. Today if I have understood anything about web, SEO, or internet marketing, 50% credit goes to my blog. It encouraged me to learn and apply new things.

Let me chalk out few of the instances here. You may find them real stupid but that is what I like within me. Someone said, “It is good to be foolish”, yes, it is Steve Jobes – the founder of Apple iPhone.

Here are what I did.

1. I changed the theme of this WordPress blog 5 times until you are seeing another one (joking, I am not going to change it soon).

What I learnt about WordPress themes

How premium and free themes work?

What are the best sites to get them? How to choose the ideal ones?

How various its types and features could be?

How to edit php and html code of theme files?

How to customize CSS and widget structure of a theme

2. I tried nothing less than 25 WordPress Plugin for this blog. However, only five of them are active as on date.

What I learnt about WordPress plug-in

How plug-ins work for a blog

How to harness its quality, authority and utility

What are the essential plug-ins to perform basic blogging functions?

How to integrate SEO-friendly plug-ins?

How plug-ins help in effortless and effective marketing?

Why all plug-ins are not equally good and how to select the best

How to approach a plug-in developer for custom help

How plug-ins make a blogger’s job easier.

There is a lot more

I participated in blog commenting whenever I got the opportunity.

I researched out quality blogs on internet marketing, SEO, web design

I tried to apply what web experts are saying good and are worth a try.

I found out effective blog marketing tools

I opened accounts in around 20 quality social media sites including FB, Twitter, G+

I created an extensive list of commentluv and dofollow blog

I joined in some blog communities and submitted new posts time to time.

I followed good write-ups and read web copies from varied source

I took help of my beloved colleagues and learned little bit of technical stuffs


These all I did just because my blog needed them. Thus, eventually became my mentor, my responsibility and my reason to be here.

Today I have so many good bloggers around me. They have become my friends and guide. Moreover, the blogging skills whatsoever I acquired are because of this only.

Hope in 2012, I will be able to take this to another height. Hope my readers will be using all the goodness I am planning to add soon.

Looking for your best wishes to make it better, bigger and beautiful.

Happy New Year to all of you once again.

  1. thats interesting,

    Majority of the bloggers love to experiment , there is never ending need to upgrade in the world of Blogosphere to avoid the risk of getting lost,

    even when from the day 1 , I started Readitt (the e magazine) and guestwriters i had kept i experimenting and will continue to learn and implement new things and share my leaning with the readers..  (the e magazine)

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