See higher CTR and secure top ranking with these SEO secrets


Congo, your website has finally managed to clinch to the top but just being on top ten means nothing. Statistics show that people tend to click mostly on the top three search results. In fact, majority of users do not even scroll down. So that means, in order to draw more clicks and drive more visitors to your website, you need to make your website rank high. Again ranking high is not enough. You need to try your level best to make your links irresistible. Now, you do not need to reinvest the wheels for that. Just follow the tricks I am going to describe here and you will be good.

higher CTR

Make The Text Click Worthy:

While writing title for a page, you should not forget the fact that you have only 65 characters to sum it up. Of course, you have the democratic right to write a long headline but sorry to say, search engine will only take into consideration the first 65 characters.

There are some rules of thumb that you need to follow religiously, while writing a catchy title for a page. You need to make it a point that the title contains the keywords and the keywords ideally should be positioned at the fore. Since people are much into the habit of scanning the first few words, they might ignore the web page if the title does not contain the search term they are looking for. And please for God’s sake do not make the title confusing. Keep it as simple as possible. A clear approach is going to help you draw some extra clicks.

Make the URLs Well Optimized:

There are some people who think that the URL structure has got nothing to do with the optimization process. But the reality is starkly opposite. A URL with ghostly character like – is certainly not going to add any value. However, you can easily make it well optimized by using human readable text like this – http:/// A small change but believe me, this is going to make a huge impact in the whole optimization process.

Meta description for the users:

It is a common trend among webmasters to write Meta description only for the search engines. They fail to see that people are going to scan them, if not read them, before making a quick decision whether they are going to click on that result or not. So, think twice before stuffing keywords imaginable in the Meta description section because people may not like reading that gibberish and skip it. Add Call to action kind of texst in the Meta description like – “Call Now”, “Hurry Up”, “Contact Us Now”, “Free” etc and you will see dramatic improvement in the volume of click through rate. And of course do not fear to experiment. Make the description short, succinct and pithy.

Google Authorship:

By enabling authorship markup against the blog, you can make the search snippet appear super awesome. An image of yours will appear against the search snippet and this is going to have huge impact on the Click through rate. Now, for God’s sake do not use a crap image of yours. Since it is going to represent you, you need to use a sober and simple image that draw the attention of the users.

Try these simple tips and I believe you will be able see more click coming your way.

The author of this article is associated with, where people can find honest iPage Review .

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