SEO Auditing replacing the demand of typical On-page work


The concept of typical On-page optimisation service is changing with time. If you are a SEO reseller outsourcing this job to a third party since long years, you sure need to make it a point. Nowadays website owners are no more interested in standard package rates (for On-page work) quoted by SEO companies. Since the scope and need for On-page improvement is changing, conventional deliverables do not make any sense to most of the modern advertisers.

 SEO Audit

So what is new in place?

Before you order for the next assignment, it is crucial that you check with the new pulse. Yes, the term On-page SEO is being replaced by SEO audit these days. SEO firms are more used to this term and prefer their existing service to be renamed as SEO audit. Even end clients prefer their sites to be audited by professionals.

Why is this shift happening?

Most of the website owners already have a website with some content and SEO done.  They must have had the developers and designers with them for doing basic performance-related jobs.  Therefore, it is more of auditing task that SEO companies have to perform after a project arrives.

Commercial website owners want to ensure that their site is performing at optimal level. This includes reducing several missteps and errors including misspellings and broken links that frustrate human visitors. Since web designers can cover all design-related issues and developers take care of site-building processes the scopes become limited for an On-page optimiser.

Here comes the role of an auditor who is more into supervising site performance and checking small-scale errors. Thus, On-page correction is becoming a smaller part of whole SEO project whereas off-page promotions get the lion’s share.

SEO resellers must make this a strong point before submitting bulk order to white label SEO companies.

Is this change justified?

Yes it is. SEO auditor’s job is the revised version of what an on-page optimizer used to do till today.

It includes

  1. Checking broken and inactive links pointing to both external and internal sites
  2. Checking website’s navigation structure
  3. Identifying misspelled words and typos
  4. Analysing website keywords and estimating traffic based on important key-phrases
  5. Optimising site conversion rates

Over all the focus has shifted towards identifying technical errors (to make a site SEO-friendly) and fine-tuning its performance.

If you are a smart SEO reseller, simply ask your outsourcing company if they can arrange SEO auditing service for you. Typical on-page optimisers are not getting enough attention these days.

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