The 8 Most Important SEO Strategies For Your WordPress Blog in 2020

The 8 Most Important SEO Strategies For Your WordPress Blog in 2020

Are you worried about the condition of your website due to its poor performance? If the answer to this question is yes, you are in a serious need for an update. There are thousands of WordPress developers for hire in the market that can get you that smooth and perfect website, according to your requirement.

Also, there are lots of different WordPress hosts – such as WP Engine – that can start you off on the right foot. As a starting point from us, you could read reviews similar to this WP Engine review by makeawebsitehub, to see if it meets your needs.

However, making your website top search engine and receive a lot of traffic depends on how good you can SEO optimize your website and for the work I suggest you hire SEO specialist online. Taking that into consideration here are the 8 most important SEO strategies for your WordPress blog in 2020. 

Work on Your Foundation

No matter how much you optimize a piece of content, no matter how great it is, how comprehensive it is, its really not going to work if your website, the foundation of this whole thing is either broken or weak. It would be like trying to build a house on a shaky and unstable foundation. It is just to crumble and fall in. Make sure the website has properties such as –

  • A beautiful outlook.
  • A smooth and fast running website.
  • A website that is SEO optimized.
  • And most importantly, a website that is well designed.

Then you need to stop right now. As the first thing is first, your first and foremost priority must be to make sure that you have a website with all these features. You can consider this as the prerequisite or the base for writing SEO friendly blogs.

You don’t have to worry about developing a website yourself as there are a lot of talented WordPress developers from local SEO company for hire online in the market. They make use of this advance and versatile platform to create an amazing website for your business.

Set Your URL Structure to Static

By default, the URL structure in a WordPress website is a little complex and not really SEO optimized. This complex URL plays no part in making your website more dynamic or useful. As default, the URL looks like a complex jumped word which is very difficult for the users to remember, which might even lose you few of your clients of daily visitors.

However, this complex URL structure can easily be optimized and used in favor of search engine optimization. You can make it into something more search friendly and easy to remember. WordPress allows you to set your URL  to a more optimized version just by following these simple steps.

  • Go to your WordPress Dashboard.
  • Go to settings.
  • Within settings go to permalink settings.
  • From there select Post name.

This is going to keep all your URLs simple and clean. Even the URL for the new post you are going to post will be optimized automatically. Now if you want to add some SEO features to this URL, then no worries, you can also do this simply by customizing your individual post URLs by modifying your slug. The slug field is available in the lower corner of the posting page. All you need to do is add the SEO keyword in this slug field. So, changing URL is a very easy task and almost every website should utilize it for better SEO.

Utilizing Keyword in Title and Header Tags

If you consider the hype of being a place at the top in the search engine end result page a race, then believe us proper utilization of keywords is the cheat to winning this race. A website is made up of a lot of code and content text and if you are just optimizing the content, then you might not reach the top as everyone optimizes their content. However, what we suggest is to optimize certain pieces or parts of the website structure or website code for better SEO.

For instance, you can use your keywords in the HTML script. There are various tags and containers where you can place these keywords of yours. You can utilize the keyword in title and header tags for making your blogging website or posts more SEO friendly.

XML Sitemap

Although sitemaps are not crucial for getting google to index all your pages and posts and navigate through your website. However, XML sitemaps can act as a guide for these search engines. Hence making the process more effective, efficient and really easy. This will make Google prioritize your website while indexing it. This will make new content to be found really quickly on the browser.

 Set Up Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a useful tool that notifies you for the important SEO warnings. In case anything goes wrong with your website, this tool can really help you out.


Thousands of statistical data and research suggest that high ranking websites content tends to have a long content of more than 2000 plus words. This helps them include their keywords number of times without breaking SEO guidelines.

Switch to HTTPS

The websites that use HTTPS in their URL are said to be SSL verified. SSL certificates make a website more secure for users. This makes the users comfortable while entering their personal data on your website.

Faster The Better

The speed of a website can highly affect your SEO. So it is always better to optimize your website to make it faster. You can utilize the PageSpeed Insights tool for determining the speed and fixes your website requires.

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