Top 5 Tools for Content Writers


There is no secret that search engines especially Google loves content and one can easily say that “Content is the King” when the objective is to bring in traffic through organic search results.

One who is proficient in English and has knowledge in a particular domain, for him it is not difficult to start a blog, website or to work as an affiliate. However, even if we are experienced and can write English properly, we tend to make mistakes like:

a)      Wordiness

b)      Punctuation Errors

c)       Spelling Mistakes

d)      Common mistakes while using “then” or “than”

e)      Not structuring your data properly making it really boring for a reader as we would be inclined to develop content for search engines

Here is a list of important tools that will help any content writer to develop crisp, hard hitting content that will be liked by its readers and the search engine.

#1 Market Samurai

Market Samurai today is the most popular keyword and is a great replacement for Google Keyword Suggestion tool. It definitely is better and will save you a lot of time to find the right keywords for writing content. You can very easily perform a heuristic search to pin down keywords, keyword phrases on the basis of their popularity.

Market Samurai is not a free tool and is available for a one time payment of $149.

Get Ginger

#2 Ginger it

Ginger it is a spelling and grammar checking tool for Windows, which uses a breakthrough, patent-pending technology to correct any type of mistake in real-time when you are in any application on Windows including Microsoft Outlook, Word or any text processing application. This application is a must have tool for any professional content developer, content writers whose second language is English and also is an ideal product for School and Universities.

The application is available for free and you can download the application from the link mentioned below:

#3 Inbound Writer

The moment you will use this tool, you would be amazed and start loving this tool. This definitely would become the most important weapon in your content writing tools arsenal. Once you put in your content copy, IB Writer will result in a score from 1 to 100.

Now, based on the topic that you are writing, IB Writer will perform a research over the internet (by scraping thousands of related articles, posts) and will come up with the most suitable terms that you can use in your content copy. Thus, making your content unique, powerful and loaded with sought after terms and keywords. You can check 8 articles per month for free, thereafter you need to pay.

#4 Dust Ball

Use Dustball to see if the content that you are writing is not matched with any content that is already indexed in Google. This is a must have tool for all content writers, as you can instantly review problematic phrases that can be revised to make unique content. This is a good tool to use these days when Google is penalizing websites with duplicate content.

#5 All in One SEO pack plugin for WP (WordPress) blog

If you are a blogger and would like to optimize your post for writing keywords, meta tags, title then you must use this plugin for WordPress, which is the best plugin available for all WP bloggers. This plugin has a great reputation.


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