What Is The True Marketing Purpose Of A Big Event?

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In the business world, we tend to think of business events and our contributions to them as somewhat validating. It shows us as part of the furniture in the larger household of our industry, and connects us to other firms serving a similar purpose. Such events also provide the capability of dramatizing our presence for the better, helping us seem more tangible and real.

Depending on the scope of the event, it’s also true that such a show can help us with a particular milestone in our firm, be that launching a new product at an industry event, contributing to thought leadership, and more. All of this is helpful, and worth your investment.

But is it true that beside these obviously stated intentions, there are more, perhaps hidden buto less influential marketing characteristics of an event? If so, what are they, and how can we maximize their impact?

In this post, we’ll discuss a few considerations that will help you answer those questions. Let’s explore this topic, below:

Demonstrate & Present

While business events provide the perfect platform to showcase your products and services, setting up interactive demonstrations allows whoever attends to experience your offerings firsthand, and that grants the chance of engaging the audience and highlighting unique features in an impactful manner. Moreover, delivering presentations or joining panel discussions presents your company as an expert voice within the industry, and sometimes, integrating a little dramatic flair here can help you stand out above anyone else.

Showing Your Attention To Detail

It’s the little details such as how you might cater your own event or provide merchandise or freebies that counts, because it shows how you plan the incidentals. The way you handle catering show your priorities, as well-maintained catering equipment and high-quality food and beverages show your commitment to professionalism and attention to detail, but also in sharing a great time – these are the qualities that build trust with potential clients and partners.

Humanizing Your Brand

Though obviously professional in nature, business events are a real opportunity to humanize your brand by showcasing those genuine connections with attendees. Engaging on that personal level, sharing stories, and genuinely using your magnetic team members skilled in networking can not only talk about your company’s values and culture, but actually show it in person. For some firms, it’s good to get out beyond the copywriting and show you put your money where your mouth is.

Running Sign-Up Promotions

Offering special deals or incentives for people to join your email list, follow social media, or trial products gets them interested right away. It also grows your audience significantly. Plus, you get a valuable list of prospects to follow up with later on and try to convert into customers or clients. Because of the exclusivity of this event, you can offer some pretty great limited discounts or offers and allow people to feel they’ve been treated well by your brand. As such, that kind of outreach can pay real dividends later down the line.

With this advice, you’re certain to market your big event in the best possible sense, but also use it as a marketing approach itself.

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