Why Do Customers Leave Your Online Store

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With more businesses operating online stores, you must find the best way to improve customer experiences if you wish to increase your sales. This is because most websites face the challenge of online shopping cart abandonment alongside bounce rates that significantly affect the ability to turn prospective customers into loyal ones. Today, online businesses have to utilise different tools to attract the attention of visiting customers. In turn, they can efficiently showcase their brand, thus increasing their turnover. To develop or acquire the needed tools, however, you will need to identify why potential customers leave you online store.

Here are some of the top reasons why customers leave your online store and some tips on how to keep a customer from leaving.

1. You Only Display the Positive Reviews

Customers visiting your online store expect to see feedback from some of your previous clients to determine the level of satisfaction they can expect from your products/services. This, however, does not mean that you only display positive reviews and hide the negative ones. Any online shopper knows that a brand cannot be 100% perfect; it has to be accompanied by some critical reviews. Providing your potential customers with negative reviews from your previous buyers helps them make a more informed decision since they know what to expect from the product/service. This information eliminates the fears, uncertainties, as well as doubts that the customers may have regarding your brand.

According to statistics, 88% of customers rely on reviews to determine the value of the brand as opposed to the description provided by the manufacturer. While there is an 11% probability that the shopper will change his/her mind about making a purchase, 68% of the customers are confident in sites that provide both positive and negative reviews. Moreover, 63% of these online shoppers consider this as business credibility, thus deciding to purchase your products.

2. Your Search Engine is Weak

Online shoppers are looking for a fast and reliable store that is convenient and devoid of confusion. The big online stores have a wide variety of products, which means that their product categories may not be as reliable for customers looking to buy a specific item. As such, most shoppers will want to use the search feature to locate the desired brand fast and easily. Other than having a friendly interface for simplicity, the search engine should have a complex feature that handles words in plural, typos, hyphens, as well as other elements. 

When online shoppers search for products on websites, they want a strong search engine that filters specific or related brands. If the search engine is weak, it is likely to frustrate the customer since the expected results will not be displayed. Unique innovative and creative online stores invest in a sophisticated search engine that will show a wide range of filters at once, thus giving the customer a wide variety of choices. If your search box is hidden or the client has to complete the search suggestion manually, chances are that he/she will not like the experience.

3. Your Website is Unprofessional

The design of your store’s website greatly impacts the number of customers that stay after a visit. Most people find online stores with a poor design boring even when they have engaging content and well-created graphics. As such, the clients will not be interested in staying on a site if it has broken links or inaccessible applications. To create a successful online store, ensure your website is professionally designed and comes with a simple interface. If an online shopper can navigate through your site easily, then there is a higher probability that customers will stay and learn more about your offers.

4. Poorly Indicated Contact Information

Online shoppers are always scouting the internet for reliable sites to buy products or seek services from. However, customers trust businesses with clear and valid contact information. Moreover, the prospective customers need a clear way to reach you for consultations, inquiries, or place orders. As a result, an online store might want to consider putting reliable customer support in place to handle incoming customer calls. In return, you will be able to satisfy the needs of your customers getting them to stay on your site each time.

5. Slow Website

Web hosting is a creative strategy for online stores to make their sites visible for easy spotting by prospective shoppers. If you don’t seek web hosting services, your website will be too slow to capture the attention of customers. There are many types of web hosting sites to consider to make your online store more secure and reliable.

Designing your online store to the liking of customers is among the most effective strategies that you could use to keep a customer from leaving your site. It will allow you to exploit the full potential of your website to avoid online shopping cart abandonment.

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