Why do you invest in a blog?

Blog benefits

The way SEO trends are changing, no speculation seems to work permanent. The only exception is “Blogging Juice”.  Blogs are evergreen and SEO value of it seems more vibrant these days. It has been maintaining the same craze since its inception.

The way a blog is earning value from users and search engines, who can say, one day blog will get better rankings in SERPs than websites? Search engines are becoming social.

Yes, future is bright for those websites that accompany a blog. After WordPress the popular CMS came into existence, blog has got more recognition and exposure. It has become affordable too.

Blog benefits

If you are not sure of launching a blog (be it for personal use or business purpose) here are a few points you must know.

  • A blog can provide immense support to a business website
  • You can create friends, followers, fans and reader-base for your website through a blog
  • Blogs can convey specific message to your audience, be it marketing news or a new launch
  • Feedbacks, comments, recommendations can improve your business strategy
  • Collecting in bound links for your website from other’s blog carry good value from SEO point of view
  • Content-based links are getting priority as back links development. Having a blog ensures you can share posts and links with other blogs of same category
  • You can create a community network with other bloggers. This will inspire you producing more
  • You just need to spend half an hour each day to maintain a blog and its functionalities
  • In general, blogs are regularly updated. This ensures search engine crawlers visit your site more often. It results in achieving good PR value.

There are more benefits in stock. If you integrate a blog to your website, you will learn it more. Practical experience makes better sense.

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