Without SEO Your Website Is Dead In The Water

SEO for Website

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How many websites do you think there are currently on the web? Expert trackers have previously stated there could be up to a billion. Woah, so there are one billion sites that people view every day? No, of course not. Ah, so there are a billion sites that people have viewed at some point? That’s not quite true either. In fact, while there may be as many as a billion sites online only around 863,000 see any noticeable traffic at all. The rest are dead zones. They might have information on them, and occasionally someone might stumble on it. But don’t count on it because to get found online you need your site to appear in a search engine results page. In fact, you need it to appear in page one. That means you need to be in the first ten or possibly fifteen links. Otherwise, your site could easily become a dead zone online, and you certainly don’t want that.

The question you now need to ask is how you get your site on the first search page. The answer is, of course, SEO.

SEO or search engine optimization is a way to increase your search ranking and can include a number of different methods. For instance, if you’re setting up SEO yourself you could just add links and keywords. These links and keywords, in theory, will boost the ranking of your site. So, your site should appear higher up in the search results until it appears on page one. Although, this is certainly not a guarantee. Many businesses these days use professional SEO services to get their business to the top. Even then, there is no guarantee you’ll be on the first page. In fact, Google has sued business owners who have guaranteed clients this possibility. But, it will certainly boost your chances.

So, what are the best SEO techniques to get your business noticed? Well, it certainly helps to have an owned domain. It’s possible to set up a website online completely free of charge. People do it all the time by borrowing internet space from companies such as WordPress and Blogger. However, if you want your ranking to be high, you need to own a space. Web hosting could cost as little as twenty-five dollars and is certainly worth it. If you think you don’t need your domain name, have a look at what happens just before a film producer starts marketing a new movie. They buy the domain they need from whoever owns it. Warner Bro’s have certainly had issues with this in the past.

You might also have heard of citations to increase SEO. Internet citations are sites Google uses to learn about your business and that in turn affects the ranking your site is given. If you want your ranking to be high, you need as many citations as you can get. SEO agency White Chalk Road has a helpful list of the top local SEO citations you need. If you take their advice, you’re sure to see your ranking increase.

We hope that SEO is a little clearer now and more easy to understand. If you take this advice on board, you are sure to see your business find success online and witness a boom in traffic.


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