You’ve Got New Content But People Still Don’t Care

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In the realm of marketing, everybody knows the importance of content. Content is key to your digital business success. It guarantees that your website remains SEO-competitive and can rank for all the relevant keywords. It directs visitors to your website and the most relevant page for their needs, with the intention to increase conversion rate in the long term. It also allows you to target specific audience groups with a tailored content. In a word, content marketing is a great thing. Except when despite doing all of the above and pursuing content generation for all the right reasons, it still doesn’t deliver the results that you expect. What leads to a lack of performance from your new content?

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#1. Is It Social Media Friendly?

Content strategists will be first to tell you: A piece of content that works is something that creates a social media buzz. Everything starts with promoting your new piece of content on social media. Using the advertising function to sponsor the post can ensure that your target audience is updated, either on Twitter, Facebook or even Instagram (although the latter is a poor choice for blog content buzz). But sponsoring doesn’t lead anywhere if you don’t create an irresistible CTA in your social post. In other words, you need to make sure that your audience wants to click on your link and read your content. Additionally, to keep your content trending on social media, you should make sure to add social media share buttons on the page, so your visitors just need to click to share.

#2. Is Your Web Structure Engaging?

Engagement is a key topic when it comes to content. However, structure engagement tends to be often taken for granted. It’s published online, what else do people need? A lot more, it turns out. The role of graphic design is essential to make a website appears more welcoming, modern, exciting, or simply dull and out of touch. Additionally, when it comes to the structure of your website, its layout is one thing. Its accessibility is another. Keeping a website that isn’t mobile-friendly – shame on you, over 70% users use their smartphone predominantly to surf the web – or that shows too many 404 links and other dead ends will not go down well with your users.

#3. Is It Navigable?

Additionally, the menu and the navigation features through the website are deeply connected to the user experience. In other words, users don’t specifically mind having to waste more than two clicks to get the info they need. What they mind is not knowing where their clicks will take them. The specificities of nav bars can be damaging for your online presence too. For instance, as much as drop down menus sound like a good idea, they are an annoyance for visitors. If you have too many items in the navigation bar, you need to focus on high-level categories and to ditch the drop down layout, as it hinders user navigation.

Menu Bar

Menu bar

#4. Is It Trendy?

Last, but not least, if you focus on blog content, you need to keep it up-to-date. For instance, if you decide to write a piece on virtual reality helmets for your business, it’s likely that you won’t get many visitors. Why so? Because it’s an old topic. Unless you are indeed bringing something new to the debate, it’s best to steer away from old news. Nobody cares about cold topics.

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