2 Reasons Why The Best Websites Don’t use Flash Website Design


There was a time in the not too distant past that just about everybody who wanted to get a website designed, wanted to use Flash. The reasoning was that it is Flash animation that keeps website visitors interested and engaged and nothing else. The problem with this line of thinking was that the designers didn’t focus on the other aspects of design. What this also meant was that the design did not have staying power. It could engage, but not attract a loyal following of website visitors who were attracted by the overall quality of the website’s design.

Today, quite a number of website designers have woken up to the importance of ensuring that all aspects of designing are considered in order to guarantee a design that keeps making its presence felt over the longer term. This has led to a very interesting situation – not many popular websites have Flash website design.

Here are two reasons why this is happening.

dodont-Flash Website Design

Flash Affects Delivery of Message

What website visitors are looking for, these days, is a no frills website that is able to deliver its message quickly and effectively. They are not looking for extreme visual appeal when it comes to website design. On the other hand, they will appreciate a straightforward minimalistic design, which ensures that they are able to find the information that they were looking for quickly and effortlessly. A Flash website might not be able to offer information in such a manner. This is why a reputed web design company usually avoids the use of Flash.

Flash means more Page Loading Time


These days website design needs to be search engine friendly and every design element used needs to encourage better ranking. One such ranking factor is page loading time. Now, the use of Flash can affect the page load time of the website, which means that the website’s ranking will be affected by a long way. This is something that no web design company worth its salt wants, another reason why Flash websites are avoided these days.

Whether its web design or web development, the idea is to ensure that the website is marketable and earns high returns on investment. This is the reason why Flash use is avoided as much as possible and it is only used in cases wherein the website design will be affected, if it isn’t used. It is especially used in portfolio driven websites, wherein the work of the website owners or the products or services that they are selling need to be showcased in a stunning manner.

Author Bio

Hazel Raoult loves all things web design and works for PLAVEB as a web designer, a leading website design company based in Los Angeles, California that offers ecommerce solutions, flash website and many other services. She not only loves web design but also likes sharing her opinions, suggestions and ideas to help people optimize the use of its various tools and techniques.

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