Designing Websites Basics


Those, who think that designing a web page is ten minute affair need to brush up their skills, I believe. Web design basics are not that simple as you may think. You need to be really particular on things like what to put or avoid in a web page. If you remember the root of design success and maintain it for every assignment, you can create a readers-friendly page.

Web design basics

Here are a few simple tips on how to proceed.

  • Use small-sized image, around 10-12 kb each. Since heavy pages do not upload fast and it is annoying to readers, think small. You can optimize the image by adding Alt Tag option.
  • Use graphics that fit the content. Take care of image designs. The design of the image should not illustrate the content.
  • Avoid using images that blink, change, rotate or flash. Flashing graphics are annoying and does not entertain browsers.
  • Stick to standard layouts. There are web pages that use 6 to 8 frames in one page. It is better if you can use a layout where readers never had to scroll down to read everything on the page. 3- Column layouts are great in this regard.
  • Use white space intelligently. It is important in a web layout.
  • Use graphics as actual elements in your page layouts.
  • While considering fonts, use serif for headlines and sans-serif for texts. These are much easier to read on computer monitors.
  • Limit yourself within 2 to 3 standard fonts. It is easier to read and looks more professional.
  • Put ads, but have control over the number of ads on your site. Keep reader’s interest in mind. If the ads overwhelm the page content, readers will not stick around your website to see pink stories. If your ads start driving people away, you will slowly loose money.
  • Test your website pages in multiple browsers.
  • Put emphasis on the content part. Deliver the topics that your readers want to read.

Thus, you can make your basics correct on web design techniques.

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