Did you know them all – The Masters of Web World?


Web was never so meaningful to us before born-leaders came in picture. Although freely accessible, a very few people dared to master in them. They did something what others could never think but follow. Yes, we are here to introduce masters of advanced web-technology.

Today’s web industry and its rampant commercialization is a gift from these geeks. They connected people to people, people to business, Business to people – all ways of social and business communication.

As of today Google, Yahoo & Facebook – these three are the most popular gifts of the era. Those who are somehow associated with Web Technology, Web Marketing and Internet should know about these pioneers. They are worth a tribute from us.

A. People who made Google what it is today

brin larry eric


Board of Directors

  • Larry Page – Google Inc.
  • Eric E. Schmidt – Google Inc.
  • Sergey Brin – Google Inc.
  • L. John Doerr – Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
  • John L. Hennessy – Stanford University
  • Ann Mather
  • Paul S. Otellini – Intel Corporation
  • K. Ram Shriram – Sherpalo Ventures
  • Shirley M. Tilghman – Princeton University

Executive Officers

  • Larry Page – CEO
  • Eric E. Schmidt – Executive Chairman
  • Sergey Brin – Co-Founder
  • Nikesh Arora – Senior Vice President and Chief Business Officer
  • David C. Drummond – Senior Vice President, Corporate Development and Chief Legal Officer
  • Patrick Pichette – Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer


B. Key personnel of Yahoo Inc.

Yahoo founders Jerry Yang and David Filo


  • Jerry Yang – Co-founder and Chief
  • David Filo  – Co-founder and Chief
  • Carol Bartz – new Chief Executive Officer
  • Roy Bostock – Chairman, Yahoo! Inc


C. People behind Facebook to us

Mark Zuckerberg CEO Facebook



  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Eduardo Saverin
  • Dustin Moskovitz
  • Chris Hughes


Key People

  • Bret Taylor – Chief Technology Officer
  • Chamath Palihapitiya – Vice President, User Growth
  • Christopher Cox – Vice President, Product
  • Dan Rose – Vice President, Business Development & Monetization
  • Donald E. Graham – Chairman


 Of course, there are more I might have missed out here. Without them, web won’t be so useful and happening to us as we enjoy today. We should salute them for their contribution towards creating huge employment opportunities.

Indeed, learning about them itself is an achievement. If you take more interest on them, visit their wikipedia profiles.

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