How To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly


Noah Buscher on Unsplash

As a society, we are becoming gradually more and more aware of the impact that our behavior has upon the environment. Whether that means you are trying to cut down on your consumption of meat or have started saying no to single-use plastic – we all have a role to play in the planet’. However, as a business owner, your responsibility is somewhat heightened – as you have to find a way to make your brand as eco-friendly as possible.

Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is one such important initiative business owners should execute to ensure positive impact on their projects. This screening phase helps to identify the areas of concerns in a project and probe in-depth analysis for a sustainable development. For example, during phase 1 esa of a construction project, the environmental studies would involve technical evaluation, and analysis of financial impact and social results.

Thankfully, there are many benefits associated with going green in the world of business. For example, not only does it mean you are helping the world move towards a more sustainable future by setting an example that other companies can follow, but you are also making your company appear more attractive to potential customers. In fact, studies show that consumer trends are altering rapidly – and that customers would prefer to work with brands with strong environmental policies. In fact, they seem to actively seek them out.

With that in mind, here are some easy steps that you can use to make your business eco-friendly.

  • Turn away from print advertisements – such as flyers – as they require large amounts of paper and are simply not as effective as they once were. In fact, the vast majority of flyers seem to get thrown away the moment they are posted through your door. Instead, focus on newer forms of advertising, such as social media marketing.
  • Include a brief description of your environmental policy on your website so that customers can quickly understand the kind of brand/company you are running. For example, if you have switched to green energy, you can quickly detail your provider and the work they do. When writing this content, take some time to brush up on your SEO, ensuring that you use specific keywords or phrases – which will then make your website appear in more online searches. 
  • Ensure that you are not just saying you are eco-friendly for the associated brownie points. You also need to take steps towards being more sustainable. You can begin the process by sourcing more eco-friendly source materials and products. For example, you could use red diesel instead of traditional diesel as it is better for the planet – this is because it uses 90% less packaging than other alternatives.
  • Try to be as energy-efficient as possible within your office or workspace. For example, this could include switching to a green energy provider or installing a solar panel.
  • Go paperless in the office. If you have to print off every single document or file, you’re going to be wasting a lot of paper – and procuring a lot of waste and clutter at the same time. However, you can keep track of all documents and store them safely on your computer. This also means that you don’t have to spend hours looking through filing cabinets when you need to find a document from several months prior – you can just search for the file name instead. This saves the planet, and time and money!
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