In your imagination, selling products online seems like it should be an easy task. After all, most of the tools are free and there’s an infinite market out there of people who want to buy your products.
But, in reality, it’s a different story. Selling swag is actually much more challenging than many budding business operators realize. While barriers to entry are low, barriers to consumption are high. The competition is fierce, and there’s so much noise out there, that getting heard is almost impossible.
So how do you sell more products online and become one of the lucky few who really nails their business plans?
Ensure That Every Product Has Its Own Page
Ensuring that every product has its own page is a key component of professional e-commerce web design. Buyers need to be able to navigate to individual pages and then select the items they want before going to checkout. If products don’t have their own pages, site visitors will sense that there is something strange or wrong with your website and go elsewhere
Provide A Unique Description For Your Products
Many eCommerce websites simply cut and paste descriptions from the manufacturer or another site to save time. Unfortunately, though, Google doesn’t like this approach and will mark it as duplicate content, leaving you no better off than you were before.
The trick here is to either write your own product descriptions by changing the wording or paying professionals to create new ones for you. The longer you can make the product description, the more Google will like it, and the more likely you’ll appear on the top page of search results for your chosen item.
Add User Reviews

User reviews are perhaps the best product marketing technology ever invented. The reason for this is simple: user reviews don’t come from your official corporate marketing. Instead, they come from your customers – a crucial difference.
Adding user reviews is relatively straightforward. Just direct people to review your products and services on Google and a range of third-party providers. This way, you can present prospects with favorable reviews, regardless of the sales channels they use.
Add An Easy Shopping Cart
Site visitors don’t want to spend their precious time filling out forms before they buy from you. They would much prefer to just click a button and get what they want.
That’s why implementing an easy shopping cart is so essential. Add Google and Facebook sign-in options to your site (so that customers don’t have to fill out their details the first time they buy from you). And give customers the option to save their payment details so that they can check out much faster in the future, just by clicking a button.
Take Customer Details So That You Can Alert Them When Items Are Back In Stock
When items are out of stock, customers can feel discouraged. Many will immediately go to third-party websites and look for the item they want.
The trick here is to manage low stock levels with alerts. If you don’t have an item right now, give your customers the option of signing up for email alerts the moment it comes back into stock. Also, provide them with the option of paying now and then waiting for the item to arrive. Call it a “pre-order” if you have to, even if the product was released a long time ago.
Monitor Your Sales Pages
Once you’ve set up your sales page, you’ll want to monitor them to see how they perform over time. Sales pages should convert the majority of visitors who arrive on them. If they don’t, it suggests that you might have a problem on your hands.
Monitoring tools can sometimes tell you what’s going wrong. Cursor heat maps, for instance, show you where consumers are looking when they arrive on your pages.
Add A Product Tour
Product tours can be a lot of fun to make and they also help consumers tremendously. They assist conversion rates and give your audience a much better feel of what it is that you offer. This way, they can really see your product and get to know it better before they click the “buy” button.
You can also add your own product review videos to help the community get to know your products even better. Reviews go into detail about what the product offers and how it and let you talk about it in more detail than a standard 300-word product description.
Make Speed Your Website Priority
Consumers love lightning-fast websites. They want to be able to click items and immediately see what you have to offer.
Unfortunately, most small eCommerce sites are actually quite slow. Hosting is poor and sites don’t take advantage of the latest speed-enhancing technologies.
To change this, sign up for a better hosting provider and then use the speed techniques recommended by Google. Continue testing your site speed on publicly-available tools, making tweaks until you get a perfect score. If you’re not sure how to do this, hire professionals to do it for you.
Find Out What People Are Actually Searching For On Google
You’ll also want to take a closer look at what people are actually searching for when looking for your products on Google. Sometimes your chosen keywords are different from what users are typing in.
Check Google Analytics to make sure that you’re using the right search terms. If you’re not using the right terms, change your product pages or add new keywords so that they align with search interests.
Give Them A Money-Back Guarantee
Most customers will pay you on time and in full. But some want assurances before coming to you. They don’t want to hand over money without any prospect of getting it back in the future if your products don’t deliver.
That’s why it’s a good idea to offer a money-back guarantee. While it leaves you vulnerable to clawbacks, it actually increases sales overall because customers who are on the fence feel more confident buying from you.
Which of these techniques will you use?