Important Steps That Define BPM Success in Your Organisation


Implementing BPM in any IT project requires you to follow well defined principles and methodologies. Future business managers have a large role to play here. They need clear understanding of BPM software application.

BPM Success in Your Organisation

Here in this post we will discuss how to implement BPM software successfully.


define what you want your project to achieve and then learn the capabilities of BPM software.


measure the scope, objective and priorities of your organisation. Objectives and emergencies keep changing, so you have to measure them in a controlled way.


conduct a cost and technical feasibility study. If the estimated cost is too high you may need to execute the software over a longer period of time.  It is imperative that you know the limitations of BPM software and its out-of-the box functionalities. Also know how much time and effort it will take.


once feasibility study is done successfully it is time to prepare business case and secure the budget.  For help you can refer to case studies where organisations have already implemented and invested in BPM software.


identify the scope of project and the different stages of implementation. It is important that you know each step to be taken by manager and user. The end objective should also be clearly identified. Successful projects do have clear objectives, expectations and process flows set well in advance.

The final stage is to measure success against objectives. There should be an over-all objective for the whole project. Each and every individual involved in BPM process should know the stages to perform and measure their actions against expectations.

Well-set targets and identified measurable benefits can demonstrate if a business case is justified or not.

Following are the ways to ensure successful BPM implementations –

However there are considerable risks involved with BPM projects. A business manager needs to be aware of this well before.  The biggest concern is – creating a big application with all the bells and whistles that done not solve the business case. With the involvement of end users who are the part of project team this can be resolved.

The second big problem is “change requests” even after the project is signed off. You may be in need of doing quick and smooth changes to BPM software in order to avoid further delays and increased cost.

Finally, the success depends on how people take on the changes. Their responsiveness, efficiency and adaptability make much sense. Once all these considerations are checked, chances are more BPM implementation will be a hit.


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