Quick Ways To Drive Traffic In 2019

web traffic

Of all the entrepreneurial skills you have, you still can’t be expected to know everything! This is none truer than in the marketing arena. While these days, so many businesses have a marketing team in-house, it’s not always possible. But we still need to know how to drive traffic, especially as it is an ever-changing beast. What are the best ways to drive traffic, especially in 2019?

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PPC (Pay Per Click)

While it can seem a little bit on the disingenuous side, PPC can be your ally, especially if you get a Google certified PPC agency to help you out. PPC is huge, and ultimately, by using PPC, it’s a very quick way to get traffic to your website. And the fact of the matter is, with the throngs of competition out there, we need to find ways to generate that steady stream of traffic, and if you are looking for a worthy investment, it’s certainly one of the best out there.

Share-Worthy Content

Content is king, and it will always be. So many websites try to create great content, but after a while, it becomes a crass generalisation. If you can provide a sense of length, depth, and breadth that captures the zeitgeist, your content will have that extra je ne sais quoi to it. You need to learn how to help people, and as there’s so much in the way of insightful articles out there, we have still got to get our name further up the Google search rankings, and naturally, the next point is integral…

Your On-page SEO

There is plenty of scope to learn the best SEO strategies, but if you find yourself struggling to nail your on-page SEO practices, there are many tools and there that can help. If you use WordPress, a plug-in such as Yoast SEO can guide you through optimising your webpage. SEO is something that forever changes, and while there are numerous marketing agencies dedicated to SEO, endlessly flooding your content with SEO friendly implements won’t generate sufficient organic traffic. It’s about treading that fine balance between optimising your content, but without making it look too spammy!


If you want to distribute content the right way, mentioning brands, influencers, or other items of content within a piece becomes a natural way to put yourself among the right people. When publishing a certain post, especially if it’s long-form, have approximately 10 links relating to appropriate brands and companies, once you publish the peace, get in contact with them to let them know, and ask them to share this content over social media, which begins a worthwhile relationship. From there, not only are you battling other companies, but the relationship can work both ways over time. They may ask you to do a guest post, which increases your reach further.

There are plenty of ways to get your content out there, and as they say, there is more than one way to skin a cat. It’s about finding the right approaches for your content. No two ways are the same, and as amazing as it is to have an in-house marketing team that is constantly learning and developing, if you can’t afford this luxury, you won’t go far on by starting with these.

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