Simplifying Business Process Modelling Notations and Its Basics


BPMN stands for Business Process Modelling Notation. It is a part of Business Process initiative under the flagship banner of Business Process Management technology. The objective of introducing BPMN is to provide graphical representation of business processes in a standardised method so that all business users can understand it easily.

 Business Process Modelling Notations

By applying BPMN tools companies can analyse competency of internal business procedures and thus move through the common lifecycle stages – development, implementation, execution, monitoring, and analysis. BPMN is the collection of graphical components that represents process models and the interrelations between them.

To summarise BPMN fills the communication gap between business process design and business process implementation.

Business analysts, technical developers, process managers and all other business stakeholders associated with a workflow need to use BPMN software in their day-to-day business activities.  There are a number of process modelling tools and procedures applied by BPM professionals. They help business analysts to recognise different notations of same business process. The results are standardised workflow system, streamlined approach, effective communication, and finally highly productive organisation.

If you are a process manager responsible for implementing BPMN software following are the three basics that will help you know modelling notations better.

Visual appearance:

BPMN models comprise of simple diagrams with a particular set of graphical elements. These are the visual signs that simplify business activities to both business users and technical persons. The graphical elements of four types – flow objects, connecting objects, swim lanes and artifacts.


This describes how BPMN elements are connected to each other based on conditional relationships. There can be various attributes based on behavioural disparities. Every notation tool has it own set of specifications and business users should strictly conform to this. The latest version of BPMN is BPMN 2.0. Its final version of specifications was released in January 2011.


Process modelling notations can cover a wide range of business applications and communicate with a variety of audiences. The objective is to enable modelling of end-to-end processes so that business users can easily differentiate the different sections of BPMN diagram. There are three sub-models of BPMN model – Private business process, Public process and global process.

These are the basics of BPMN one should know before applying process management software in an organisation.

However, modelling notations vary from one company to another. Therefore, business analysts should be able to recognise them properly and act accordingly. BPM training could be of extreme help in this regard.

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