Some Smart Google Analytics Tools for Boosting Productivity & Enhancing Data Quality

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is certainly the most widely and popularly utilized web analytics application. It is fundamentally based on and inspired by the analytics-package that was initially developed by the Urchin Software Corporation that Google had bought in 2005. However, this was hugely edited, developed, and then released in 2007 and we found that certain cutting-edge features were incorporated and the overall design was simplified. Google Analytics is available for free and over the years it has gained traction due to its numerous advanced features and simplicity.

Google Analytics: The Way to Go

Google Analytics could be generating as many as 85 different reports which would be helping you in analyzing all possible data regarding your website traffic. Google Analytics is not there merely for tracking visitors or traffic to your website or monitoring the exact number of your page views, it could be utilized for seeing precisely which content would be getting the maximum visits, observing the time spend on your website on every visit, and the specific advertisements that are attracting maximum visitors to your website.

Moreover, Google Analytics is hugely effective in tracking the overall performance of all your marketing campaigns and that may include AdSense, AdWords, and emails etc. Google Analytics is certainly a wonderful tool in its own capacity, but you could be using robust add-ons. You must know that every month innovative and novel Google Analytics tools are generated and many of them are simply fabulous.

Several diverse applications are known to integrate seamlessly with Google Analytics. Moreover, there are many useful add-ons that are easily available for you to grab the golden opportunity. If you wish to succeed as an Analytics specialist, there seems to be much more to what we call web analysis than merely configuration and installation of Google Analytics. When you use extensions, they help you to go through advancements and extreme modifications with the data on your website which could not be done with Google Analytics alone.

Moreover, extensions are known to be contributing in a huge way towards optimizing and even debugging of all those Analytics tasks you wish to be done. When you are adding extensions, you could further boost the manner in which you analyze different prospects of all those data that has been gathered by Google Analytics. Google Analytics tools and add-ons play a pivotal role in supporting and debugging all your analytics-associated activities.

Here are some of the Google Analytics, as well as, Tag Manager Add-ons which could be used by you regularly. These tools and add-ons boost productivity and enhance data quality.


It is pretty common for people to encounter challenges in the implementation and configuration of Google Analytics. Fortunately, we have access to some powerful Google Analytics add-ons that would be helping us in debugging and solving implementation problems.

Google Analytics Debugger

Troubleshooting and debugging Google Analytics code could prove to be a disaster if you are stuck at error messages or are not able to spot the errors. Google Analytics Debugger helps in enabling the Google Analytics’ debugging version that is able to identify the jinxes in the tracking code. Moreover, it would be displaying useful and relevant information on Google Chrome’s JavaScript console.

Google Tag Assistant

Tag Assistant is an effective Chrome extension which could be utilized to create, diagnose, validate, and even troubleshoot all your Analytic data on every single page. Once you have created a recording and detected an issue, you could recheck for verifying if your tags seem to be firing fine post a fix. Most people are used to debugging specific problems with Tag Assistant but it is often not used for any broad core scan.

Analytics Pros dataLayer Inspector+

Analytics Pros dataLayer Inspector+ seems to be pure magic, It is one of the most efficient and latest add-ons available today for Tag Manager. You could be doing a whole lot of things with this effective Chrome add-on. You could easily find out:

  • What has been sent to Google Analytics?
  • What is being pushed to your Google Tag Manager dataLayer?
  • When are all these pushes taking place?
  • Are there any kinds of issues?

Moreover, Analytics Pros has embedded recently some amazing new features for assisting you in implementing Google Task Manager faster and more efficiently. Thanks to this add-on, it is now remarkably easier and definitely simpler to go on debugging, monitoring and seeing detailed information without really having to relentlessly rotate from your page to your page code and ultimately to the developer console.

Apart from the diagnostics, Google incorporated a number of features for helping you to remarkably speed up implementations.  These add-ons help in:

Stimulating dataLayer pushes

  • Working with Google Tag Manager Containers that are actually not deployed on any site.
  • Add code first of all to the page.
  • Disregard hits to precise properties.
  • Hide precise events.
  • Even turning back the clock to previous simpler times or the Classic Mode.

Tag Manager Injector

Google Tag Manager could ease your Analytics life. What would happen if you wish to go on implementing Google Tag Manager much before you get site access? Or maybe you must be wishing to boost your GTM skills even without a website. Let us explore certain use cases for making this Chrome extension unbelievably effective and useful.

  • Prepare configurations and implementations well in advance.
  • Boost your knowledge and understanding of GTM without any website.
  • Consider using the extension in the Google Tag Manager training sessions.
  • Stay away from messing up your real account with mistakes galore.


Many of you waste too much time on just simply examining data instead of generating relevant and useful insights for your clients or your organization.

Google Analytics URL Builder

One of the crucial things to get correct is keeping track of non-standard campaigns using UTM parameters. Google Analytics URL Builder could prove to be pretty useful though many have a preference for working with spreadsheets for tracking numerous different campaigns.

Google Analytics Table Booster

The awesome Google Analytics Table Booster is actually a simple plug-in which could prove to be really efficient and truly effective. It assists you in quickly evaluating the performance of any dimension specifically on just one or even more metrics. You could work with diverse charts and tests such as Bar-Chart, Z-Test, Comparison, and Heatmap.

Supermetrics Add-on

Supermetrics Add-on is a hot favorite Google Analytics tool. It is often preferred for Google Sheets. This tool boasts of more than 70,000 users and is known to provide powerful and absolutely robust solutions to obtain data from diverse tools directly into the Google Sheet.

Real-Time Reporting

Real-Time reporting is neither a tool nor an add-on but is a super-effective and powerful way to be effectively implemented for debugging, monitoring data, or even testing campaign tracking. It is quite efficient in testing numerous diverse technical changes or modifications in real-time and that may include the recent setup filters. This could be really easy to use even for those people who are inexperienced in debugging.


We have discussed various Google Analytics tools, as well as, add-ons for better leveraging the amazing power and proficiency of Google analytics. You could boost your business’s productivity.

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