5 Web Design Hacks That Will Get You More Leads

Web Design Hacks

Generating high-quality leads is easy if you have lots of cash to burn. Both paid as well organic methods can help do the job easily. In fact, there are different marketing techniques such as PPC, SEO, social media marketing to enrich you with more leads.

What if you could get more leads without spending anything extra?

For that to happen, your website too needs to come to the party and show its power in real sense. If your website is attracting traffic, you can then convert it into leads and boost conversions. 

Yes, a few tweaks to designs can make your website worthy of garnering more attention and eventually more leads. You can try out design hacks and get more leads along the way.

Here are some web design hacks that will get you more leads –  

1. User Experience Design (UXD) 

Your website design be such that every element of it keeps the user in mind. Rather than creating a beautiful website, the focus should be on creating something that caters to pain points and needs of the user. From the selection of colour to language, you need to give user experience the highest level of preference as only this can get you more leads. The website should be easy to use, simple to navigate and have all the information and elements that your target audience may need.   

2. White spaces and noise-free design

Websites that don’t respect the concept of white space often struggle on the front of conversions. Overloading the site with text, images, videos etc. is not going to work in a time where white spaces have more prominence. With too much noise and clutter on the site, it would always be difficult to convert traffic into leads. Having white spaces means having usability which is something that the user would appreciate. So, keep the web design free of clutter and provide ample of breathing space for conversions to happen.    

3. Clear, scannable layout and design 

Leads will be generated only when a website knows how to direct viewers through information and content therein. If viewers fail to progress through the site smoothly and don’t get value, this may affect conversions big time. That’s why having a clear and scan-able layout works like magic as readers will then find it easy to skin through seamlessly and effortlessly both. You should therefore keep everything short, try to highlight keywords, use subheadings & bullet points and avoid the use of promotional writing. Simplicity will work more than pomposity.    

4. Use of images and videos

The use if multimedia content can work wonders on conversions and lead generation ability of any website. It can also generate a big amount of targeted leads, provided the images and videos are used properly. However, your visual content must be relatable to the target audience and optimized as well for search engines to fetch better leads. Whether for product information, social proof, testimonial, entertainment or engagement, you can always rely on well-made videos and high-quality images and get ample of leads easily.     

5. Say NO to standard templates

Using a standard website template is only justified when stakes are low for your website. But when your focus is on getting leads, standard templates won’t take you far. This can dramatically affect the site usability and its ability to convert leads. On the other hand, having a site coded can work magic for search engine result pages and that’s why the use of standard templates must be avoided. You can also trust a top web designing company and get it do the job for your boosting leads.

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